Will this be another sad day for JPP leftists and Trans Righty's?



I know for all of December we were treated to a litany of threads by JPP leftists that "Trump is destroying the economy". Leftists and Trans Righty's like Cawacko and Threedee were loving the stock market's slide.

Didn't hear much from them on Friday. Didn't hear much from them yesterday. Will we hear from them today?

Now this is just the futures market and who knows where it will end up today. It could end up down by the end of trading.

I know I can predict this with 100% confidence. If the market is up, we will not hear a peep from JPP leftists and Trans Righty's. If it is down significantly, we will

For those who pay attention to this stuff, keep your eye on 2600, that is the next level of resistance for the S&P. This just could be a relief rally due to oversold conditions and we could be heading back into bear territory. Don't know. I don't make predictions, I just follow the trend. But, 2600 is the next key point now. If it can break through there and hold, we may be headed higher. We will see.

**Full Thread Ban in effect as I don't care what mother fucker leftists think about this issue and it is not open to debate**
Every day that Trump continues in office is a sad day for the losers and haters.

They are motivated solely by a childish desire to get "revenge" for Hillary's humiliating defeat, and several have openly admitted it.

Their tantrums are hilarious, aren't they?