Will this now be OK?


After reading a lot of the comments being made, that show nothing less then hate for President Trump; does this mean that if and when the liberals ever get back in the Oval Office, that precedent has been set, and such behavior can now be employed against the liberal President??

After reading a lot of the comments being made, that show nothing less then hate for President Trump; does this mean that if and when the liberals ever get back in the Oval Office, that precedent has been set, and such behavior can now be employed against the liberal President??


LOL. As if.
OH, this goes much deeper then that and you know it.

Let me ask you this:

When Obama called for surgical strikes against the Assad Government for using Chemical Weapons ... were you for it or against it?
When Trump called for strikes against the Assad Government for using Chemical weapons, were you for that or against it?
Let me ask you this:

When Obama called for surgical strikes against the Assad Government for using Chemical Weapons ... were you for it or against it?
When Trump called for strikes against the Assad Government for using Chemical weapons, were you for that or against it?

This has nothing to do with which President did what.

It is addressing the way the President is treated.
After reading a lot of the comments being made, that show nothing less then hate for President Trump; does this mean that if and when the liberals ever get back in the Oval Office, that precedent has been set, and such behavior can now be employed against the liberal President??


Like the 8years of Fox,and America 's white trash did to Obama?
After reading a lot of the comments being made, that show nothing less then hate for President Trump; does this mean that if and when the liberals ever get back in the Oval Office, that precedent has been set, and such behavior can now be employed against the liberal President??


Sure. But only when that person is an incompetent, pathogically lying, bullying buffoon with the maturity of an 8th grader.
After reading a lot of the comments being made, that show nothing less then hate for President Trump; does this mean that if and when the liberals ever get back in the Oval Office, that precedent has been set, and such behavior can now be employed against the liberal President??

Good question, but if the precedent was set, it certainly came under Obama, actually, Clinton may have been the first with Newt and the rise of talk radio

One thing that will be interesting is if the next President will be able to restore the dignity to the Office of the President, Trump, with his ethics, morality, and just flat out habitual lying has sunk it to a new level
After reading a lot of the comments being made, that show nothing less then hate for President Trump; does this mean that if and when the liberals ever get back in the Oval Office, that precedent has been set, and such behavior can now be employed against the liberal President??har

we will probably never know given how hard it will be for the demmycrats to ever win another election.......