Obviously, the two were very well acquainted for a number of years. The REAL question is if she did any "procurements" for tRump before his falling out with Epstein. It is also very worthy to remember that tRump himself was quoted as saying that he likes them "young". Back in the summer, tRump was also quoted saying "I wish her well".
With just a few weeks left in office, we will see just how strongly tRump feels about Maxwell. Certainly, he cannot claim that she is the victim of politics or a "witchhunt" or any other nonsense.
If tRump decides to pardon Maxwell, it will become very apparent that tRump had to buy her silence. I think most people will fully understand what "silence" he needed to safeguard.
Obviously, the two were very well acquainted for a number of years. The REAL question is if she did any "procurements" for tRump before his falling out with Epstein. It is also very worthy to remember that tRump himself was quoted as saying that he likes them "young". Back in the summer, tRump was also quoted saying "I wish her well".
With just a few weeks left in office, we will see just how strongly tRump feels about Maxwell. Certainly, he cannot claim that she is the victim of politics or a "witchhunt" or any other nonsense.
If tRump decides to pardon Maxwell, it will become very apparent that tRump had to buy her silence. I think most people will fully understand what "silence" he needed to safeguard.