Will Trump Tweet Himself Out Of The White House?


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Will Trump tweet himself out of the White House?

Well, so far he’s tweeted bad relationships with the national media by bashing CNN and calling all the media dishonest and he’s insinuated that he can’t believe the intelligence agencies.

The last President that attacked the national leftist media like that was President Nixon. He set the agenda with leftist media, (the majority of America’s media), to watch his every move and eventually bring him down.

Looks like Trump may have doubled down on creating elitist enemies by also badmouthing the intel agencies.

This poster thinks if the fix isn’t already in to bring Trump down, it very soon will be. Look for intel leaks to the media to bash and embarrass The President elect after he takes office and an intel cooperation to investigate the deepest secrets of Trump and the Trump family and make sure anything they can come up with finds the leftist media.