William J Clinton avoids draft lottery...

He also ran off to England to avoid the draft as well and to get out of his ROTC commitment.
Well yeah....

He also ran off to England to avoid the draft as well and to get out of his ROTC commitment.

after he ran off to Oxford they recruited him to become a snitch(informant/agent) this kept him from the draft lottery... which called him!
I saved the first one in my bookmarks for reading later. Its pretty long.

The second one I scanned. definately a marine site. I was at Chu Lai, Lots of sand near the beach but surrounded by hills and jungle. In the south it was almost strickly VC. Up north it was mostly NVA. Shhh don't tell anyone there was an army brigade attached to the 3rd Marines.

A bottle of pop in the south cost 20 cents. when we got up north it cost 50 cent. Damn Marines. And we always drank it out of the bottle. The old mamason would stand by and wait for us to finish it so she could get the bottle back. I think they left their first born as collateral for the bottles cause if you broke one she would go into such a fit. They were also a good source of information. Like where boobytraps were emplaced or where VC or NVA were located. One sure sign of trouble was when mamason detoured away from us. The mamasons were only around the base camps tho.

BB did you fly in those marine choppers. They were big and slow and a door on only one side. I never flew in one, we had hueys. But I always thought those things were so slow they made great targets.

I saved the first one in my bookmarks for reading later. Its pretty long.

The second one I scanned. definately a marine site. I was at Chu Lai, Lots of sand near the beach but surrounded by hills and jungle. In the south it was almost strickly VC. Up north it was mostly NVA. Shhh don't tell anyone there was an army brigade attached to the 3rd Marines.

A bottle of pop in the south cost 20 cents. when we got up north it cost 50 cent. Damn Marines. And we always drank it out of the bottle. The old mamason would stand by and wait for us to finish it so she could get the bottle back. I think they left their first born as collateral for the bottles cause if you broke one she would go into such a fit. They were also a good source of information. Like where boobytraps were emplaced or where VC or NVA were located. One sure sign of trouble was when mamason detoured away from us. The mamasons were only around the base camps tho.

BB did you fly in those marine choppers. They were big and slow and a door on only one side. I never flew in one, we had hueys. But I always thought those things were so slow they made great targets.

Not a Marine...I was US Army 1964-1968 1st, 2nd and 7th air/armor cav...we had the hueys just as you did...(1965-1966 A-valley) I just stumbled onto the Marine site and found it interesting!:clink:
oops my bad. i talk with different people in different services and sometimes get em confused. Was an interesting site though.
So, the cons are still running against Clinton. Gotta hand it to the guy: if he managed to piss so many foam flecked fatheads off so badly, he had to've been doing something right.
I remember when I was driving down from Seattle back here to hell, I put Limbaugh on because it was about the only station I could get reception to. It was the day the Libby indictment came down. Limbaugh bloviated about Clinton for about and hour, not even mentioning the indictments, I only heard the news of them on the news breaks.

But it is a sign of the times. Politics is getting more and more polar, and people are attaching themselves to their party far, far before their principles. Open just about any thread on this or the other forum, and its all over the place.

I guess that by saying that the Clinton's killed Vince Foster, or that Laura Bush did the same thing as Teddy Kennedy, whatever, it makes people feel better about putting their party ahead of what is right.
I remember when I was driving down from Seattle back here to hell, I put Limbaugh on because it was about the only station I could get reception to. It was the day the Libby indictment came down. Limbaugh bloviated about Clinton for about and hour, not even mentioning the indictments, I only heard the news of them on the news breaks.

But it is a sign of the times. Politics is getting more and more polar, and people are attaching themselves to their party far, far before their principles. Open just about any thread on this or the other forum, and its all over the place.

I guess that by saying that the Clinton's killed Vince Foster, or that Laura Bush did the same thing as Teddy Kennedy, whatever, it makes people feel better about putting their party ahead of what is right.
I think you're right, basically. The only way in which I'd amplify it at all would be to point out that the easiest way to strengthen one's attachment to a party or ideology -- and hence the most common way -- is to villify the Other Side, whatever that might be. Liberals aren't merely wrong, they're Evil. Conservatives aren't just misguided, they're actively trying to enslave the rest of the human race.

Well, okay: that last bit happens to be true. We don't have to make a federal case out of it though. ;)
I think you're right, basically. The only way in which I'd amplify it at all would be to point out that the easiest way to strengthen one's attachment to a party or ideology -- and hence the most common way -- is to villify the Other Side, whatever that might be. Liberals aren't merely wrong, they're Evil. Conservatives aren't just misguided, they're actively trying to enslave the rest of the human race.

Well, okay: that last bit happens to be true. We don't have to make a federal case out of it though. ;)

The dynamic I find most telling though, is the identification with ideology via party. "I'm a Dem, or Rep, or Lib!!!!" Therefore what the D or R or L say respectively, is what they attach themselves with. I was probably the most guilty of all. 3 years ago, you didn't know me, but I put the "Libertarian Party" ahead of principle, blathering on and on about how everyone should vote Libertarian.

I didn't even realize that I was perpetuating the same fallacious thinking.
of course not..but the vast majority of it....

and I will continue to be a democrat as long as my party's platform captures more of my philosophy than any other party's platoform does.

I'll continue to support those office seekers that most represent my point of view, regardless of party. Problem is, they usually need to win before you can figure out if they are lying, regardless of 'which party.'
I'll continue to support those office seekers that most represent my point of view, regardless of party. Problem is, they usually need to win before you can figure out if they are lying, regardless of 'which party.'

then you are naive and do not understand how politics works in America...

sad, really.