winding things down.....

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fully immersed in faith..
time to begin my farewells.......been here ten years so this may take a few pages......

Damo.......for creating this long and thanks for all the fish....
Grind.......take care of the fish.....
Watermark.......stop fucking the fish.......stop fucking pillows......find a girl......find a boy.....find something......

Billy......don't fuck up......

3D and cawhacko......redeem yourselves......Trump 2020!

Mott.......I'm sad you never had the balls to argue evolution with me.....tell Dolly goodbye for me...... are my favorite asshole......

more later....
Legion......I know you're here somewhere.......thank you for letting us share your experiencing puberty.......may you eventually actually find an identity......
Don't leave. No one is demanding that you do that. We all come here to fuck with one another. No one takes anything here too seriously.

time to begin my farewells.......been here ten years so this may take a few pages......

Damo.......for creating this long and thanks for all the fish....
Grind.......take care of the fish.....
Watermark.......stop fucking the fish.......stop fucking pillows......find a girl......find a boy.....find something......

Billy......don't fuck up......

3D and cawhacko......redeem yourselves......Trump 2020!

Mott.......I'm sad you never had the balls to argue evolution with me.....tell Dolly goodbye for me...... are my favorite asshole......

more later....
Brother PMP.
I will challenge you.
I will post a Poll.
Sun God goes 'mano-a-mano' with: Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, and Buddha.

If my Sun God can't beat the crap out of any of those Losers, ... you stay.

get the fuck off my farewell thread, you worthless cunt.....
uuuh ... so far. Sun God beating the crap out of Jesus. Are you just going to turn the other cheek and get your ass kicked???
time to begin my farewells.......been here ten years so this may take a few pages......

Damo.......for creating this long and thanks for all the fish....
Grind.......take care of the fish.....
Watermark.......stop fucking the fish.......stop fucking pillows......find a girl......find a boy.....find something......

Billy......don't fuck up......

3D and cawhacko......redeem yourselves......Trump 2020!

Mott.......I'm sad you never had the balls to argue evolution with me.....tell Dolly goodbye for me...... are my favorite asshole......

more later....
I wouldn't get so hasty. Trump isn't impeached yet. This article is written by a lib. There are cracks in the facade.
He isn't going anywhere.
Unless,he's so intimidated by Mason
he's crawling away with his tail between his legs

If he has a good reason or he just needs a break would be OK.
Or, if he wants to come back under a new 'persona', that would be acceptable.

I don't want him to leave bitter or upset. I want him to know we are all Brothers and Sisters here.
Did I ever cosign to this ban bet? I personally don't like the idea of enforcing ban bets I never agreed to. So.... this is between you and the other party. I think.. unless I consigned? sorry to see you go.
He made a bet with Reagan's Arsewipe, why anybody would think that cunt would do the same is beyond me.

Did Reagansghost bring this up? Most Patriots and Defenders of the Constitution and the American Way like Reagansghost, would grant PMP Clemency on this.
Besides, it is the Winter Solstice, and the Rebirth of PMP would be in Order.
If he has a good reason or he just needs a break would be OK.
Or, if he wants to come back under a new 'persona', that would be acceptable.

I don't want him to leave bitter or upset. I want him to know we are all Brothers and Sisters here.

dude.....I would kill myself if you and Mason were my stop fucking up my nostalgia.....
dude.....I would kill myself if you and Mason were my stop fucking up my nostalgia.....

News Flash: You better do something. And I mean NOW. The Sun God is tearing Jesus a new asshole.

As Chester A. Riley used to say:
"What a revolting development this is". :(

(Riley, a wing riveter at the fictional Cunningham Aircraft plant in California. His frequent exclamation of indignation—"What a revoltin' development this is!"—became one of the most famous catchphrases of the 1940s. wiki)
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