Windmill Noise


ButterMilk Man
This has become a huge dispute between the people and our overlords......the overlords want them everywhere and people who have been forced to life near them almost to a person say that the windmill noise degrades their lives.

For those who have been following this issue what is your take? How bad is it and what if anything should we do about it? Will it matter that communities rise to object? Is the tide turning against windmills because of the noise, all the birds they kill, and all of the problems generally?
Sorry for being in current events.....I meant to get general....cant see a way to delete.

It is a current event in the sense that the protests have exploded....people are pissed.
It does seem like this is one of the many realities the Mind Molders are doing their best to keep the American people from learning about...the protests against the windmill building.
Folks are become a lot alarmed now that they see huge gashes being put into forests so that windmills can be set up....a rather "destroy the planet to save the planet" thing.
The fact that they tend to be generally poorly made is also a Big MotherFucking Problem, badly made things to not tend to last long, then we will need to deal with all of these Goddamn eyesores.
On the plus side large projects are being cancelled as operators walk away in spite of all the money government throws at them, even with that these God damn things dont make any sense.
On the plus side large projects are being cancelled as operators walk away in spite of all the money government throws at them, even with that these God damn things dont make any sense.

When the wind stops blowing ... :dunno:
It does seem like this is one of the many realities the Mind Molders are doing their best to keep the American people from learning about...the protests against the windmill building.

It would be like suddenly having train tracks built next to your house, but worse.