wiseone2cents = religious nut

Kamala Trump

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[ame="http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=50559421#post50559421"]Does God exist? the definitive answer. - Page 3 - boards.ie[/ame]
Originally Posted by wiseones2cents
Interact with the Universe????He IS the universe. GOD is Everything. When you understand that their is living energy in all matter dead or living you will understand this. When you begin to understand the Complexity of the fabric of existence, you will realize there is a Ultra Supreme Intelligence involved.

The Universe in itself is PERFECT. Nothing has to be improved upon it.
Therefore GOD did make the best model.

Therefore the conclusion is that GOD does Exist.
Fascinating. Are you sure they are the same people?

BTW - I disagree on the "perfection" stuff. I think we can, and will through knowledge, improve upon the meager existence that this universe naturally provides.
Fascinating. Are you sure they are the same people?

BTW - I disagree on the "perfection" stuff. I think we can, and will through knowledge, improve upon the meager existence that this universe naturally provides.

Not sure they're the same. But their proclivity to believe massive lies and delusions seems the same.