Witch Hunts & Bitch Hunts


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Trump defends Roger Stone move: He was target of 'Witch Hunt'
By Jesse Byrnes
07/11/20 08:35 AM EDT



Trump Savors 'Witch Hunt' Vindication After Charges Against Ex-aide Flynn Dropped
May 8, 2020


The FBI conspiring with Democrats told so many lies in order to to burn Trump, his aides, his supporters and his friends, prove Democrats own the phrase witch hunts for all time.

On the other hand, the truth about Hillary Clinton, Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi, Senator Di Fi, Maxine Waters, etc. is all that is needed to arrest the people who benefitted from the crimes those witches committed. (Start with Suzy Five Shows.) My point. It is fair play to call arrests and prosecutions bitch hunts.
Trump defends Roger Stone move: He was target of 'Witch Hunt'
By Jesse Byrnes
07/11/20 08:35 AM EDT



Trump Savors 'Witch Hunt' Vindication After Charges Against Ex-aide Flynn Dropped
May 8, 2020


The FBI conspiring with Democrats told so many lies in order to to burn Trump, his aides, his supporters and his friends, prove Democrats own the phrase witch hunts for all time.

On the other hand, the truth about Hillary Clinton, Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi, Senator Di Fi, Maxine Waters, etc. is all that is needed to arrest the people who benefitted from the crimes those witches committed. (Start with Suzy Five Shows.) My point. It is fair play to call arrests and prosecutions bitch hunts.

Aren't you kind of misrepresenting what these article have said????????????????????
Democrat witches is the fallacy that you're promoting.

To Trumpet: Not according to Senile Joe:


Big attaboy for R.S.

Crooked Hillary Clinton was on far-left MSNBC this week and she couldn’t help herself – she criticized and slandered both President Trump and Roger Stone. Roger Stone shared with the Gateway Pundit his thoughts about Hillary’s interview.

The MSNBC interview started with the host sharing a clip of candidate Trump right after the Republican convention in 2016. Candidate Trump mentioned in jest in that if Russia has the Hillary emails, to please release them. Of course MSNBC took this clip out of context. They still want to believe that President Trump is working for the Russians – the greatest lie in US history – a lie that ignored the potential of starting a world nuclear war in an effort to help Hillary win the Presidency.​

Hillary as we now know was behind the slanderous and fraudulent Steele dossier used by Obama’s Deep State FBI and Justice Department to harass candidate and President Trump and have him removed from office after he defeated Hillary in the 2016 election. But the coup failed and there are new hopes that some day the investigation into this criminal scandal by numerous Deep State operatives, including former President Obama and his VP Biden, will lead to indictments and justice.

In an exclusive, Roger Stone shared with the Gateway Pundit his thoughts on Hillary’s comments made on MSNBC. Here are some comments from Mr. Stone:

I always knew that Hillary Clinton was a short-tempered, foul mouthed, self-centered, entitled psychopath but I have now reached the point where I fervently believe that her upset loss to the insurgent campaign of Donald Trump in 2016 has literally driven her insane.

Days after President Donald Trump commuted the sentence for my conviction in the epically rigged Soviet style show trial I was subjected to by Robert Mueller’s dirty cops and the incredibly corrupt DC court system, Hillary Clinton was back recycling an entirely false left-wing conspiracy theory that was disproven by the very Mueller investigation that she cheered on.

The false narrative goes like this; “Roger Stone traded his silence about acts of misconduct or other inappropriate activity by Donald Trump in return for the commutation of his sentence. Stone even bragged about it.” The problem with this claim is that it has no basis in fact nor evidence to support it. In fact, it is contrary to what I have correctly said repeatedly-that Mueller’s prosecutors pressured me to cooperate with their witch-hunt and to bear false witness against the President regarding numerous communications between candidate Trump and me in 2016.

Stone shared that Hillary is oblivious to the fact that she laundered money to pay for the Steele dossier but now claims Trump’s commutation of Stone is part of a coverup. Then he shared:

Since the day of my commutation Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler and the most corrupt prosecutor in US history Andrew Weissmann have all repeated this bogus claim. They all do so cleverly taking my public statements in which I said repeatedly that the Mueller prosecutors wanted me to “come clean” and “confess” and offer false testimony against the President that could then be used as an article of impeachment. In fact on March 14, 2019 an assistant US Attorney on the Mueller team met privately with one of my attorneys to propose my cooperation in return for unspecified leniency in my sentence.

On the heels of all of these unsupportable claims- none of which Mueller with his unlimited budget and extraordinary investigative authority could find – come literally dozens of op-ed pieces by left-wing law professors claiming that the commutation of my sentence by the President is flawed because he in essence used his commutation to cover up his own illegal acts. Given that there is no evidence or proof of this, any lawyer who writes this should be disbarred. But then liberals never let facts get in the way of a good left-wing conspiracy theory.

The greatest thing President Trump has done to save America is beat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election – and even greater is the fact that he now lives inside her head for eternity.

“I Always Knew that Hillary Was a Short-Tempered, Foul Mouthed, Self-Centered, Entitled Psychopath”
By Joe Hoft
Published July 24, 2020 at 8:00pm


I would add that former Senator Hillary Clinton is still the Mother Goddess to her coven of witches. She exercises total control over her branch of the Wicca religion in Congress so it was easy for her to implant her hatred of Trump in the heads of her Wicans —— male and female.

On the other hand, the truth about Hillary Clinton, Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi, Senator Di Fi, Maxine Waters, etc. is all that is needed to arrest the people who benefitted from the crimes those witches committed. (Start with Suzy Five Shows.) My point. It is fair play to call arrests and prosecutions bitch hunts.
Last edited:
(Start with Suzy Five Shows.)

Dear God, please put “. . . someone who can’t tell the truth and someone who can’t remember the truth.” on the same ticket.

Benghazi liar and former U.N. ambassador Susan Rice has seemingly risen to the top of Joe Biden’s VP list, which would make a unique pairing of someone who can’t tell the truth and someone who can’t remember the truth.

One of the chief unmaskers of Trump officials caught up in deep state surveillance of the 2016 Trump campaign and an architect of the attempted coup against Trump, Rice recently lied again by pushing the false claim that Trump ignored reports of Russian bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan and was doing Putin’s bidding by callously letting American soldiers get killed. As reported by Axios:

Former national security adviser Susan Rice says President Trump sided with Russian President Vladimir Putin following news that Russia allegedly offered bounties for those who targeted American soldiers in Afghanistan.

Rice said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday:

"And now we learn that even when it comes to the blood of American service members, this president picks Putin over our troops."

This was, as Trump says, fake news. The Russians have little money to throw around and the Taliban is trying to kill our troops anyway, for free, troops Trump is bringing home. Yet the woman who went on five talk shows to spread the lie that an Internet video got four Americans killed, including a U.S. Ambassador, at a Benghazi compound that Obama/Biden/Rice left unprotected, has the chutzpah to express concern about the safety of U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

Of course, she has said that she wants to see Joe Biden elected and would willingly be his VP. She would be Biden’s Rasputin, pulling his strings, completing the fundamental transformation of America begun by Obama. So she ignores Biden’s culpability for Benghazi, as she ignores her own, and ignores Biden’s key role in getting Navy Seal Team 6, the unit that killed Bin Laden, slaughtered in a revenge ambush in Afghanistan.

Biden is not above exploiting the sacrifice of our young men and women who put themselves in harm’s way on our behalf. He’s done it before and gotten them killed in the process. Yet while critics of President Trump’s foreign policy accuse him of recklessness and immaturity that place the nation’s security at risk, Biden’s service in the Obama administration provides us with an example of why he should not be trusted with the nation’s security or the lives of its heroes. That example is the tragedy of an operation known as Extortion 17.

As author and attorney David Shestoksas points out in his review of Betrayed: The Shocking True Story of Extortion 17 as told by a Navy SEAL's Father, Biden betrayed the heroes that killed Bin Laden to further his political ambitions.”
Vice-President Joe Biden, at an awards banquet on May 3, 2001,[2] remarked:

“Admiral James Stavridis … can tell you more about… the incredible, the phenomenal, the just almost unbelievable capacity of his Navy SEALs and what they did last Sunday… I’d be remiss also if I didn’t say an extra word about the incredible events, extraordinary events of this past Sunday. As Vice President of the United States, as an American, I was in absolute awe of the capacity and dedication of the entire team, both the intelligence community, the CIA, the SEALs.”

Less than a day after Biden’s remarks [SEAL team member] Aaron Vaughn called his mother Karen:

“There’s chatter and all of our lives are in danger including yours, Mom.”

On August 6, 2011, in the Tangi River Valley of Afghanistan, Aaron Vaughn and 30 other Americans,[3] including 15 members of SEAL Team VI[4] were killed when their fifty year old helicopter, designated Extortion 17, was hit by a rocket propelled grenade.

Joe Biden’s loose lips got members of Seal Team 6 targeted for revenge and killed in an Afghan mission known as Extortion 17. As Investor’s Business Daily recounted on May 28, 2013:

Extortion 17 was the call sign of a special operations mission in Afghanistan on Aug. 6, 2011, that responded to an Army Ranger unit engaged in a firefight with the Taliban and in need of backup.

The Chinook helicopter carrying the rescue team was shot down by a Taliban-owned rocket-propelled grenade over the Wardak Province on Aug. 6, 2011, killing 38, including 30 Americans and 15 members of Navy SEAL Team 6, the unit that killed Osama bin Laden just three months prior.

The shoot-down was described at the time as a "lucky shot," but the families of the dead SEALs believe that, like Benghazi, it was a pre-planned operation of revenge facilitated by a government that put them in harm's way without adequate support and with a bull's-eye painted on their backs.

At a Pentagon briefing on Monday, May 2, 2011, a senior defense official was asked if it was a Navy SEAL team that found and killed the world's most wanted man. The terse and proper response was: "Not going to comment on units or numbers."

Then on May 3, Vice President Joe Biden got up to speak at a dinner at Washington's Ritz Carlton Hotel marking the 50th anniversary of the Atlantic Council to spill the beans about Adm. James Stavridis and "the incredible, the phenomenal, the just almost unbelievable capacity of his Navy SEALs and what they did last Sunday."

From that moment, the families believe, the Taliban looked for an opportunity for revenge, and a government more concerned with politically correct rules of engagement than victory helped them get it.

Credit: Wallpaper Flare

Biden skated on the leak that got SEAL Team 6 targeted for revenge. Like Hillary Clinton at Benghazi, he put lives in jeopardy and got men killed.

The deaths of more than 20 Navy SEALs from the unit that took out Osama bin Laden is connected to a loose-lipped vice president who sometimes likes to pose as a presidential action figure.

To be a politician takes more chutzpah than courage. The chattering class, as the mainstream media is sometimes called, were more worried about how the successful Bin Laden raid by Navy SEALs might affect President Obama’s reelection chances in 2012. So did administration officials, as the leaks and chest-thumping began almost immediately.

SEAL missions depend on bravery, courage, skill, daring -- and secrecy. Initially, when President Barack Obama announced that “a small team of Americans” had killed Osama bin Laden, he did not identify that it was the SEALs.

Karen Vaughn, the mother of slain SEAL Aaron Vaughn, blames Joe Biden for her son’s ambush and death:

On May 3, at an event in Washington, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. did the unthinkable: He publicly revealed the identity of the special-operations unit responsible for bin Laden’s killing. His reckless action put at risk the lives of every member of SEAL Team 6. The Taliban and other jihadists eager to avenge bin Laden now knew which unit to target. Stunned and shocked, SEAL members immediately realized they were going to be hunted by al Qaeda sympathizers.

Karen Vaughn, the mother of slain SEAL Aaron Vaughn, says that within hours after Mr. Biden’s comments, her son called to tell her to wipe away every piece of information regarding the family on social media, Facebook and Twitter. “I never heard Aaron that afraid in his life,” Mrs. Vaughn said in an interview. “He told me: ‘Mom, we’re picking up chatter. We’re not safe. You’re not safe. Delete everything.’”

According to Mrs. Vaughn, Mr. Biden essentially placed a bull’s-eye on her son’s back -- and that of all the other SEALs. He leaked classified information. SEAL Team 6 is a covert unit, which is supposed to operate in the shadows. This is how they are able to conduct deadly raids on terrorist groups. Their reward, however, for killing the world’s foremost terrorist mastermind was to be outed by their own government.

In a damning video speech, Charles Strange, the father of Navy SEAL Michael Strange, also lays the ambush of Extortion 17 right at the feet of Joe Biden.

The RPG that felled the SEALs could have just been a random act of war. The Taliban could have just gotten lucky. Or they could have been plotting and waiting for revenge, looking for helicopters that might be carrying more SEALs on another mission, a big bullseye painted on their backs by a vice president who forgot that loose lips can sink ships, and can get Navy SEALs killed.

August 7, 2020
Joe Biden, Susan Rice, and Seal Team Six
By Daniel John Sobieski

Big attaboy for R.S.

Crooked Hillary Clinton was on far-left MSNBC this week and she couldn’t help herself – she criticized and slandered both President Trump and Roger Stone. Roger Stone shared with the Gateway Pundit his thoughts about Hillary’s interview.

The MSNBC interview started with the host sharing a clip of candidate Trump right after the Republican convention in 2016. Candidate Trump mentioned in jest in that if Russia has the Hillary emails, to please release them. Of course MSNBC took this clip out of context. They still want to believe that President Trump is working for the Russians – the greatest lie in US history – a lie that ignored the potential of starting a world nuclear war in an effort to help Hillary win the Presidency.​

Hillary as we now know was behind the slanderous and fraudulent Steele dossier used by Obama’s Deep State FBI and Justice Department to harass candidate and President Trump and have him removed from office after he defeated Hillary in the 2016 election. But the coup failed and there are new hopes that some day the investigation into this criminal scandal by numerous Deep State operatives, including former President Obama and his VP Biden, will lead to indictments and justice.

In an exclusive, Roger Stone shared with the Gateway Pundit his thoughts on Hillary’s comments made on MSNBC. Here are some comments from Mr. Stone:

I always knew that Hillary Clinton was a short-tempered, foul mouthed, self-centered, entitled psychopath but I have now reached the point where I fervently believe that her upset loss to the insurgent campaign of Donald Trump in 2016 has literally driven her insane.

Days after President Donald Trump commuted the sentence for my conviction in the epically rigged Soviet style show trial I was subjected to by Robert Mueller’s dirty cops and the incredibly corrupt DC court system, Hillary Clinton was back recycling an entirely false left-wing conspiracy theory that was disproven by the very Mueller investigation that she cheered on.

The false narrative goes like this; “Roger Stone traded his silence about acts of misconduct or other inappropriate activity by Donald Trump in return for the commutation of his sentence. Stone even bragged about it.” The problem with this claim is that it has no basis in fact nor evidence to support it. In fact, it is contrary to what I have correctly said repeatedly-that Mueller’s prosecutors pressured me to cooperate with their witch-hunt and to bear false witness against the President regarding numerous communications between candidate Trump and me in 2016.

Stone shared that Hillary is oblivious to the fact that she laundered money to pay for the Steele dossier but now claims Trump’s commutation of Stone is part of a coverup. Then he shared:

Since the day of my commutation Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler and the most corrupt prosecutor in US history Andrew Weissmann have all repeated this bogus claim. They all do so cleverly taking my public statements in which I said repeatedly that the Mueller prosecutors wanted me to “come clean” and “confess” and offer false testimony against the President that could then be used as an article of impeachment. In fact on March 14, 2019 an assistant US Attorney on the Mueller team met privately with one of my attorneys to propose my cooperation in return for unspecified leniency in my sentence.

On the heels of all of these unsupportable claims- none of which Mueller with his unlimited budget and extraordinary investigative authority could find – come literally dozens of op-ed pieces by left-wing law professors claiming that the commutation of my sentence by the President is flawed because he in essence used his commutation to cover up his own illegal acts. Given that there is no evidence or proof of this, any lawyer who writes this should be disbarred. But then liberals never let facts get in the way of a good left-wing conspiracy theory.

The greatest thing President Trump has done to save America is beat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election – and even greater is the fact that he now lives inside her head for eternity.

“I Always Knew that Hillary Was a Short-Tempered, Foul Mouthed, Self-Centered, Entitled Psychopath”
By Joe Hoft
Published July 24, 2020 at 8:00pm


I would add that former Senator Hillary Clinton is still the Mother Goddess to her coven of witches. She exercises total control over her branch of the Wicca religion in Congress so it was easy for her to implant her hatred of Trump in the heads of her Wicans —— male and female.

Is that a gold necklace with baby toenails Hillary is wearing?
Big attaboy for R.S.

Crooked Hillary Clinton was on far-left MSNBC this week and she couldn’t help herself – she criticized and slandered both President Trump and Roger Stone. Roger Stone shared with the Gateway Pundit his thoughts about Hillary’s interview.

The MSNBC interview started with the host sharing a clip of candidate Trump right after the Republican convention in 2016. Candidate Trump mentioned in jest in that if Russia has the Hillary emails, to please release them. Of course MSNBC took this clip out of context. They still want to believe that President Trump is working for the Russians – the greatest lie in US history – a lie that ignored the potential of starting a world nuclear war in an effort to help Hillary win the Presidency.​

Hillary as we now know was behind the slanderous and fraudulent Steele dossier used by Obama’s Deep State FBI and Justice Department to harass candidate and President Trump and have him removed from office after he defeated Hillary in the 2016 election. But the coup failed and there are new hopes that some day the investigation into this criminal scandal by numerous Deep State operatives, including former President Obama and his VP Biden, will lead to indictments and justice.

In an exclusive, Roger Stone shared with the Gateway Pundit his thoughts on Hillary’s comments made on MSNBC. Here are some comments from Mr. Stone:

I always knew that Hillary Clinton was a short-tempered, foul mouthed, self-centered, entitled psychopath but I have now reached the point where I fervently believe that her upset loss to the insurgent campaign of Donald Trump in 2016 has literally driven her insane.

Days after President Donald Trump commuted the sentence for my conviction in the epically rigged Soviet style show trial I was subjected to by Robert Mueller’s dirty cops and the incredibly corrupt DC court system, Hillary Clinton was back recycling an entirely false left-wing conspiracy theory that was disproven by the very Mueller investigation that she cheered on.

The false narrative goes like this; “Roger Stone traded his silence about acts of misconduct or other inappropriate activity by Donald Trump in return for the commutation of his sentence. Stone even bragged about it.” The problem with this claim is that it has no basis in fact nor evidence to support it. In fact, it is contrary to what I have correctly said repeatedly-that Mueller’s prosecutors pressured me to cooperate with their witch-hunt and to bear false witness against the President regarding numerous communications between candidate Trump and me in 2016.

Stone shared that Hillary is oblivious to the fact that she laundered money to pay for the Steele dossier but now claims Trump’s commutation of Stone is part of a coverup. Then he shared:

Since the day of my commutation Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler and the most corrupt prosecutor in US history Andrew Weissmann have all repeated this bogus claim. They all do so cleverly taking my public statements in which I said repeatedly that the Mueller prosecutors wanted me to “come clean” and “confess” and offer false testimony against the President that could then be used as an article of impeachment. In fact on March 14, 2019 an assistant US Attorney on the Mueller team met privately with one of my attorneys to propose my cooperation in return for unspecified leniency in my sentence.

On the heels of all of these unsupportable claims- none of which Mueller with his unlimited budget and extraordinary investigative authority could find – come literally dozens of op-ed pieces by left-wing law professors claiming that the commutation of my sentence by the President is flawed because he in essence used his commutation to cover up his own illegal acts. Given that there is no evidence or proof of this, any lawyer who writes this should be disbarred. But then liberals never let facts get in the way of a good left-wing conspiracy theory.

The greatest thing President Trump has done to save America is beat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election – and even greater is the fact that he now lives inside her head for eternity.

“I Always Knew that Hillary Was a Short-Tempered, Foul Mouthed, Self-Centered, Entitled Psychopath”
By Joe Hoft
Published July 24, 2020 at 8:00pm


I would add that former Senator Hillary Clinton is still the Mother Goddess to her coven of witches. She exercises total control over her branch of the Wicca religion in Congress so it was easy for her to implant her hatred of Trump in the heads of her Wicans —— male and female.

Thank you for ANOTHER fantastic post, Flanders. Nicely done.
Benghazi liar and former U.N. ambassador Susan Rice has seemingly risen to the top of Joe Biden’s VP list, which would make a unique pairing of someone who can’t tell the truth and someone who can’t remember the truth.​

When Senile Joe Biden went with the tart —— Kamala Harris —— I was surprised that he did not pick the U.N.’s favorite liar:

Former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice said on Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “OutFront” that President Donald Trump’s executive order to restore patriotic education to our schools was “the most communist, retro, crazy thing I’ve heard out of Donald Trump’s mouth in a while.”

Burnett said, “He just said something else today, signed an executive order creating the quote ‘1776 commission.’ And the goal of it, and I want to quote, from the order is to ‘restore patriotic education to our schools,’ as if that education has been gone. He went after The New York Times for its quote, ‘1619 project,’ which aims to reframe this nation’s history with a greater focus on slavery. Here’s what the president said.”

In a clip, Trump said, “America’s founding set in motion the unstoppable chain of events that abolished slavery, secured civil rights, defeated communism and fascism and built the most fair, equal and prosperous nation in human history.”

Burnett asked, “What is your response to the president?”

Rice said, “This was one of the most astonishing speeches I’ve heard him give. He talks about patriotic education. I thought I was listening to Mao Zedong running communist China. We don’t have the education where the dear leader tells the people what they must learn. We open students’ minds. We give them facts. We teach them how to analyze. We teach them civics and the foundations of the Constitution. When you study the Constitution, which it appears Donald Trump hasn’t, you understand it is a living document that has evolved.

Suzy Five Shows not only believes her own lie, television’s liars give her all the face time the U.N. asks for in order to repeat the government’s strategy for lying:

He heralded today the signing of the Constitution in 1787 as a great day, it was. I love the Constitution. I’ve sworn an oath to protect it against all enemies, foreign and domestic. In 1787, you and I, Erin, and all women in our country couldn’t participate in the democracy. We had no vote. If you were African-American and a male, the constitution of 1787 said you are worth 3/5 of a human being. So, to celebrate that and deny the realities of our history, positive and negative, and to wipe out the history of slavery in this country and to call the teaching of it un-American is the most communist, retro, crazy thing I’ve heard out of Donald Trump’s mouth in a while.”

Susan Rice: ‘Dear Leader’ Trump’s Patriotic Education Executive Order ‘Communist, Retro, Crazy’
Pam Key
17 Sep 2020


Bottom line: Everything Suzy Five Shows wants for America’s children is a Democrat Party lie, while there is not one lie in President Trump’s EO that will teach school children historical facts. It is a tragedy that the 1776 COMMISSION is not promoted worldwide. If you have doubts, ask yourself this: Will Suzy Five Show’s United Nations agenda make this country, or the world, a better place?

p.s. Everything the Parasite Class teaches children is paid for income tax dollars.
