WM laments fall of Socialist party in America, gets 54 upvotes on reddit


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Before the labour movement in the US could really take off we had WWI. The Socialist Party in America was one of the few Socialist parties in the world that stuck to its guns and refused to support it, which caused a pretty massive dip in popularity and brought on the wrath of one of the most chillingly dictatorial governments in American history. After the war the party split into pro-Soviet, unelectable Communists (who made up many of the most active members) and anti-Soviet Socialists. This was pretty much the death knell of the party.

Anticommunism then suppressed the movement further, and while FDR offered basic protections for workers in the 30's, after 1938 there was basically never a pro-labour government elected in the US ever again. Then the mind-numbingly reactionary Conservative revolution took over in the 80's and that's where we are today. I'm pretty sure that the hope we had of Obama killing the Conservative revolution is pretty much dead as swell. This is why it sucks to be a worker in the US.
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Before the labour movement in the US could really take off we had WWI. The Socialist Party in America was one of the few Socialist parties in the world that stuck to its guns and refused to support it, which caused a pretty massive dip in popularity and brought on the wrath of one of the most chillingly dictatorial governments in American history. After the war the party split into pro-Soviet, unelectable Communists (who made up many of the most active members) and anti-Soviet Socialists. This was pretty much the death knell of the party.

Anticommunism then suppressed the movement further, and while FDR offered basic protections for workers in the 30's, after 1938 there was basically never a pro-labour government elected in the US ever again. Then the mind-numbingly reactionary Conservative revolution took over in the 80's and that's where we are today. I'm pretty sure that the hope we had of Obama killing the Conservative revolution is pretty much dead as swell. This is why it sucks to be a worker in the US.

"...it sucks to be a worker in the US..."

Nah, it just sucks to be you. :good4u:
BTW, Watermark, I read the comment you made on Reddit where you claimed that 3rd Party candidates never get even 6% of the vote: Ross Perot got 18.9% in 1992 and 8.4% in 1996.

BTW, Watermark, I read the comment you made on Reddit where you claimed that 3rd Party candidates never get even 6% of the vote: Ross Perot got 18.9% in 1992 and 8.4% in 1996.


Yeah three, like I didn't know that.

George Wallace got 13% in 1968, Lafollette got 17%, and Roosevelt got 27% in the same election The Greatest American, Eugene V. Debbs. I was using a literary device called "exaggeration" that you may or may not have heard of.

The 6% that The Greatest American got in 1912 was impressive because it was not gotten by a billionaire or a major-party splitter. It was also similar to the 7% or so that the Labour party in Britain was getting just a few years beforehand - I believe we both know how that turned out for the Conservative Parties in Britain (much like the Conservative Parties in America - the Republicans and their satellite party, the Democrats), but given your astounding ignorant reply to me I am hesitant to give you any credit whatsoever. The Socialist Party could've concievably won if it hadn't been for obstruction by the forces of darkness, and Eugene V. Debbs could've been the greatest president of all time as well as being The Greatest American.

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I like how you admit that the Socialist Party under Eugene "Imprisoned by Wilson" Debbs was less important than other third parties such as the Reform Party (US) and Labour Party (UK). So pathetic, in fact, that it didn't even constitute being an election derailer in 1912 the way the Progressive Party was, or the Whigs in 1856, the Northern Dems in 1860, the State's Rights Dems (almost) in 1948, the Reform Party in 1992 and 1996, and the Green Party in 2000.
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Before the labour movement in the US could really take off we had WWI. The Socialist Party in America was one of the few Socialist parties in the world that stuck to its guns and refused to support it, which caused a pretty massive dip in popularity and brought on the wrath of one of the most chillingly dictatorial governments in American history. After the war the party split into pro-Soviet, unelectable Communists (who made up many of the most active members) and anti-Soviet Socialists. This was pretty much the death knell of the party.

Anticommunism then suppressed the movement further, and while FDR offered basic protections for workers in the 30's, after 1938 there was basically never a pro-labour government elected in the US ever again. Then the mind-numbingly reactionary Conservative revolution took over in the 80's and that's where we are today. I'm pretty sure that the hope we had of Obama killing the Conservative revolution is pretty much dead as swell. This is why it sucks to be a worker in the US.

What are you bitching about? You don't work.
Don't remind me. I voted for him both times.

People who are pro-worker are retarded, money-grubbing losers.

I refuse to support the application of state power in maintaining the capitalist system, which is the only reason it exists at all. People who are capitalist are retarded, money-grubbing losers, worthless social parasites who would improve upon society by placing a bullet inside their skull.
I refuse to support the application of state power in maintaining the capitalist system, which is the only reason it exists at all. People who are capitalist are retarded, money-grubbing losers, worthless social parasites who would improve upon society by placing a bullet inside their skull.

Leaving the rest of us unemployed, to die in the steets. Sounds like fun. You and I can enjoy our bottles of Jack together on the same street corner, while we reminisce about the days of corporate greed.
Leaving the rest of us unemployed, to die in the steets. Sounds like fun. You and I can enjoy our bottles of Jack together on the same street corner, while we reminisce about the days of corporate greed.

Corporations would be nothing without workers. They should be abolished and workers should take directly what is theirs, instead of having their surplus value stolen by people who contribute nothing to society.