APP - Woah Nellie!!!

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

Everyone likes to talk about Strzok and Page as it pertains to the Deep State conspiracy against President Trump, but there is another power couple that seems to fly under the radar

Bruce and Nellie Ohr

Just a few fun facts. The Ohrs were another married power couple in DC. Bruce Ohr was the #4 in the Obama DOJ and Nellie was hired by Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on candidate Trump. Purely a coincidence I am sure

But, what this article points out is that Bruce Ohr hid his wife's work with Fusion GPS from his financial disclosure forms. Now why would he do that? What was he trying to hide? Surely it wasn't just an "oversight" was it?

But, even more interesting is that on May 23, 2016 Nellie Ohr received a technician-level amateur radio license. Now this may seem innocuous and I know that many on the left will scream about "conspiracy theories". But, doesn't it raise a few interesting questions? Why at this age would someone of her stature all of a sudden get into the ham radio gig that is usually reserved for geeky teenage boys and can easily evade current NSA surveillance of communications with foreign actors of which Christopher Steele was one?

Now why does this matter? Well, let's go back over the important timeline shall we?

*April ’16 Clinton hires Fusion GPS
*April ’16 Fusion GPS hires Christopher Steele
*April '16 Obama's Organizing for America PAC paid Perkins Coie $98,047 for "legal services"
*May ’16 Nellie Ohr gets HAM radio license.
*June/July ’16 FBI Agent Strzok meets w/ Steele
*June ’16 DOJ FISA request denied.
*July ’16 FBI counterintelligence operation begins
*Sep '16 Christopher Steele meets with Jonathan Winer to discuss dossier and Winer shares it with State Dept officials
*Oct. ’16 Peter Strzok and Bruce Ohr meet w/ Christopher Steele
*Oct. ’16 FISA request granted.

So what happened? Simple. Hillary and Obama funneled money to Christopher Steele to make up lies about Trump so they could spy on his campaign. When the FISA warrant was denied they were thrown for a loop. So they used Fusion GPS to shop Steel around to the Democrat Media Industrial Complex. That is how they got the FISA request granted in October 2016 they used the Democrat Media Industrial Complex as "independent corroborating" evidence of the Steele Dossier

It is all there for people to see.