WOC continues ....


Villified User
Last Updated: Tuesday, 8 May 2007, 09:05 GMT 10:05 UK

Artificial food colouring warning
Ready meals
Some ready meals contain additives
Parents are being advised by experts not to give their children food containing certain additives until the results of a new study are published.

UK researchers tested the effects of a range of artificial colourings on children's behaviour.

It is understood the results back previous research linking additives to hyperactivity and poor concentration.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) said it would not issue formal recommendations until the findings were published.

But independent experts said parents should avoid foodstuffs containing the additives.

A team at the University of Southampton tested the additives tartrazine (E102), ponceau 4R (E124), sunset yellow (E110), carmoisine (E122), quinoline yellow (E104) and allura red AC (E129) on both three-year olds and eight-to-nine year olds.

We are very keen to promote fresh healthy home cooked food and if you get that sort of food you don't have to worry about additives
Pru Leith, School Food Trust

The amounts used in the study were those that an average child might consume in a day.

A source at the University told food industry magazine the Grocer that their results supported findings first made seven years ago that linked the additives to behavioural problems such as temper tantrums, poor concentration, hyperactivity and allergic reactions.

The FSA's Committee of Toxicity on Chemicals looked at the original research, known as the Isle of Wight study, which had concluded removal of such colourings from childrens' diet would produce "significant changes" in behaviour and not just in those children already showing hyperactive behaviour.

Last edited:
Friday, 25 October, 2002, 00:01 GMT 01:01 UK
Food additives 'cause tantrums'
Children eating
Many children's foods contain additives
Additives in popular snacks can cause hyperactivity and tantrums in young children, a study suggests.

Research carried out by the independent watchdog the Food Commission found that so-called 'E-numbers' may adversely affect one in four toddlers.

The findings are based on reports from parents after their children consumed a drink that contained additives commonly found in popular crisps, sweets and fizzy drinks.

The evidence is quite sketchy

Nutrition Foundation spokeswoman
However, nutritionists have played down the findings saying they are not scientific.

Researchers from the UK's Asthma & Allergy Research Centre analysed the effects of five different additives on 277 three-year-olds from the Isle of Wight.

Common additives

These were the artificial food colourings tartrazine (E102), sunset yellow (E110), carmoisine (E122), and ponceau 4R (E124), and the preservative Sodium Benzoate (E211).

These additives were given to children in a single drink. The doses were similar to levels found in common foods.

According to the researchers, many parents reported significant changes in behaviour.

The Food Commission said that over 200 children's foods and drinks contained at least one of the additives used in the study.

"Nearly 40% of children's foods and drinks contain additives," said Annie Seeley, a nutritionist with the Food Commission.

"Colourings are used to make products look especially appealing to children. The colourings tested in this new research are used in familiar children's foods."

I totally believe it. I also think that we will eventually find out that all of the steroids we feed our meat supply is fueling either obesity, cancer and/or diabetes.
I totally believe it. I also think that we will eventually find out that all of the steroids we feed our meat supply is fueling either obesity, cancer and/or diabetes.
My guess is it will be linked to the raise in the percentages of autism and Attention disorders as well as more health-related problems.
My guess is it will be linked to the raise in the percentages of autism and Attention disorders as well as more health-related problems.
I'm afraid you're quite right.

The rise in autism is well documented and more than a little creepy, frankly. Something has to be causing it.
My guess is it will be linked to the raise in the percentages of autism and Attention disorders as well as more health-related problems.

The increase in autism is just down right scary. I agree with Ornot, something we're doing is causing it. Whether its environmental or dietary.
The increase in autism is just down right scary. I agree with Ornot, something we're doing is causing it. Whether its environmental or dietary.

I think that we have to look at what part of that increase may be attributable to better diagnostic tools, hence higher rates of diagnosis and partition that out, if possible. Then we can try to address whether there is a bona fide increase in occurrence and try to find commonalities among those patients. At first, especially, it's going to be a real scattershot approach because nobody really knows what to look for. There are just too many possibilities.

So first find out how many kids today diagnosed as autisic, and who in earlier times (even as recently as 10 years ago) might have been diagnosed as mentally retarded/developmentally disabled without a further distinction such as Down's or PKU deficiency.
and notice the timeframe between the two posts....
What have we been doing in the meantime ?
Not endangering profits or Ritalin sales I suppose...