Wolstencroft- Internationalist Fascist

Kamala Trump

Verified User
This guy is a self avowed internationalist fascist and a filmmaker. The jews in the community where he was trying to show his film shut his film down. I wonder why?

Wolstencroft decided to screen The Search For Truth In History, a 1993 documentary on David Irving, as part of the 2003 MUFF festival. Members of the Jewish community (including the Jewish Community Council of Victoria which went to court to seek a ban the film[1]) widely condemned Wolstencroft for this. The screening was ultimately cancelled when the cinema's landlord locked everyone out.[2]
On the issue Wolstencroft said:
“ Sure, I thought we'd get a little half-page story about Irving — 'Ooh, this is a bit controversial.' I didn't expect it would be news every day for about a week. It was just a guy full of shit talking. To me, David Irving is interesting even though he is full of shit — why is he saying this stuff? ”
Wolstencroft has often declared a fascination with fascism. He wrote his honours thesis in philosophy on the topic. He stresses that he is interested in "a new conception of fascism", an idealized "transcendental" form of non-racist, internationalist fascism that has not yet existed. "Fascism doesn't have to be the way it's been in the past, just as communism doesn't have to be about Stalin." His concept is of a fascism that takes into account "the inherent paradoxes of its nature and dialogue" and which has the capacity to "interact with other political philosophies worthy of integration like anarchism, socialism and conceptions of justice, equality, liberty and autonomy". [3]
WTF? Fascism has a definition. If you aren't literate or informed enough to figure out how to address your enemy, don't go around trying to change the meanings of words.
WTF? Fascism has a definition. If you aren't literate or informed enough to figure out how to address your enemy, don't go around trying to change the meanings of words.

Internationalist fascism is a real actual goal. Don't attempt to destroy words to hide the truth.
fas·cism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fash-iz-uhm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
2. (sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
3. (initial capital letter) a fascist movement, esp. the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

Tell me, who would be Dictator under the "internationalist fascism" that you say they plan?
fas·cism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fash-iz-uhm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
2. (sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
3. (initial capital letter) a fascist movement, esp. the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

Tell me, who would be Dictator under the "internationalist fascism" that you say they plan?

This is like that, but internationalist. And the dictator would be your momma.
This is like that, but internationalist. And the dictator would be your momma.
There is no proposed dictatorship, you are exaggerating for effect and making your point worthless as others mock you for your incomplete understanding of the words you use.
There is no proposed dictatorship, you are exaggerating for effect and making your point worthless as others mock you for your incomplete understanding of the words you use.

No. They deny the accuracy of descriptors to coneal the fetid truth. Historically fascism has been around a national core, but this is different. The language hasn't caught up to reality. Internationlist fascism is pretty close. I'm sticking with it despite your hysterics.
No. They deny the accuracy of descriptors to coneal the fetid truth. Historically fascism has been around a national core, but this is different. The language hasn't caught up to reality. Internationlist fascism is pretty close. I'm sticking with it despite your hysterics.
"Hysterics" far better describes a person who would use a word that specifically denotes Dictatorship when none is apparent, not the person saying "Internationalism is bad, no need to exaggerate."
Wikipedia - tut tut, he's not an Austrian film-maker, not unless kangaroos are hopping down the slopes at Kitzbühel.