Woman has twins by different fathers

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Guns Guns Guns


A Texas woman wasn't planning on two conceptions for the record books. But that's what she got when she gave birth to twins of different fathers.

The technical term is twins by different fathers is "heteropaternal superfecundation." The first case was reported by John Archer — the first doctor to receive a medical degree in the United States — in 1810.

According to Archer, a white woman who had sex with a black man and a white man within a short time later gave birth to twins: one white, the other of mixed race.


A Texas woman wasn't planning on two conceptions for the record books. But that's what she got when she gave birth to twins of different fathers.

The technical term is twins by different fathers is "heteropaternal superfecundation." The first case was reported by John Archer — the first doctor to receive a medical degree in the United States — in 1810.

According to Archer, a white woman who had sex with a black man and a white man within a short time later gave birth to twins: one white, the other of mixed race.


She was certainly an "active" gal. :)
She was certainly an "active" gal. :)

Maybe it's just me; but the picture shows a man, a women, three children (of which two seem to be twins) and the women appears to be Black.
But when you read the article, you discover that the initial report is about the couple shown and that the reference towards the "white women" is about a totally different situation. :)
Maybe it's just me; but the picture shows a man, a women, three children (of which two seem to be twins) and the women appears to be Black.
But when you read the article, you discover that the initial report is about the couple shown and that the reference towards the "white women" is about a totally different situation. :)

It's the same situation. Both women had sex with different men within a short period of time.
It's the same situation. Both women had sex with different men within a short period of time.

True; but if you look at what he posted and what he omitted, it does appear that he was trying to connect his part of the post and the picture.

Go take a look at the thread where his title implies that the Police beat the Wallstreet protesters; but the video in the thread, show no such thing and then he tries to say that his use of the word "beat" was as in win.
Maybe it's just me; but the picture shows a man, a women, three children (of which two seem to be twins) and the women appears to be Black. But when you read the article, you discover that the initial report is about the couple shown and that the reference towards the "white women" is about a totally different situation.

LOL at USFreedumbass.

Are you saying you thought the photo was taken in 1810?

Fuck, you're an imbecile.
LOL at USFreedumbass.

Are you saying you thought the photo was taken in 1810?

Fuck, you're an imbecile.

Nope, I never said that. :(
What I did say is that your presentation made it appear that you were saying the lady in the picture was white.
It was only after reading the COMPLETE article and not the parts you cherry picked, that it became obvious that you were once again trying to make a connection where none existed. :)
Nope, I never said that. What I did say is that your presentation made it appear that you were saying the lady in the picture was white. It was only after reading the COMPLETE article and not the parts you cherry picked, that it became obvious that you were once again trying to make a connection where none existed.

I'm amazed that you've apparently grasped the concept of posting excerpts from a linked article.

Now surprise me again, and tell me which county's taxpayers you defraud when you post here on their time.
I'm amazed that you've apparently grasped the concept of posting excerpts from a linked article.

Now surprise me again, and tell me which county's taxpayers you defraud when you post here on their time.

Well; you are the one that tends to post articles and videos that don't relate to each other, therefore you posting a picture and a nonrelated article would just be a small step for you. :)
Well; you are the one that tends to post articles and videos that don't relate to each other, therefore you posting a picture and a nonrelated article would just be a small step for you.

I can't help it if you're slow on the uptake, can I?

Since my posts seem to present a huge intellectual challenge to your limited scope of understanding, maybe you should skip 'em.

Now, which countys' taxpayers are you cheating when you're posting here instead of working?
I can't help it if you're slow on the uptake, can I?

Since my posts seem to present a huge intellectual challenge to your limited scope of understanding, maybe you should skip 'em.

Now, which countys' taxpayers are you cheating when you're posting here instead of working?

That was really a nice and well thought out excuse, for your recent stupid postings, and behavior.
Now that it's been pointed out to you; do try to raise yourself above the level you set yourself at. :)
That was really a nice and well thought out excuse, for your recent stupid postings, and behavior. Now that it's been pointed out to you; do try to raise yourself above the level you set yourself at.

Your failure to engage in meaningful discussions is noted.

Scared to admit that you routinely cheat your employers?
Your failure to engage in meaningful discussions is noted.

Scared to admit that you routinely cheat your employers?

I take it that what you meant by "meaningful discussions" are were threads are started and the title has nothing to do with the content of the included video?? ")
I take it that what you meant by "meaningful discussions" are were threads are started and the title has nothing to do with the content of the included video?? ")

Are you drunk, or a stroke victim? Do tell.