APP - Women not cut out of combat roles.



Army women not only suffer more injuries than men during combat training, but the active-duty female soldiers also are stricken with significantly higher rates of mental health disorders.

Of course this isn't surprising to anyone with any knowledge of biology and human nature. But, there is a politically correct, social construct that is being pushed so we dare not question lest we be called haters of women.

Women do not belong in combat. Period.
I don't belong in combat but I'm sure there are some women out there that are good enough. I do think that women should have the freedom to be in the military and to try for anything that they want to try for but it shouldn't be forced and I think that there are aspects of the military that are just better off with guys doing it.
I have no problem with a woman being in a combat role as long as she passes the exact same qualifications as men. That said, I have heard that some branches do have lower standards of qualification which is just flat our wrong. But if there is some huge built woman that can do the job, I see no issue.
I have no problem with a woman being in a combat role as long as she passes the exact same qualifications as men. That said, I have heard that some branches do have lower standards of qualification which is just flat our wrong. But if there is some huge built woman that can do the job, I see no issue.

Therein lies the problem. Most women can't meet the qualifications.

And forget for a second the physical part as hard as that is. What does it say about a society that it would want to put its women in the most horrid conditions? War is literally hell. Look at what it does to men. Do we really want to do that to our women?

It is almost as if have been trained to think equality is the nirvana of goals to be attained without regard to consequences
I have no problem with a woman being in a combat role as long as she passes the exact same qualifications as men. That said, I have heard that some branches do have lower standards of qualification which is just flat our wrong. But if there is some huge built woman that can do the job, I see no issue.
If they didn't lower their standards how would the be able to recruit for the Marine Corp?
I don't belong in combat but I'm sure there are some women out there that are good enough. I do think that women should have the freedom to be in the military and to try for anything that they want to try for but it shouldn't be forced and I think that there are aspects of the military that are just better off with guys doing it.

1. You don't know what you're talking about.

2. Women are special targets in combat for rape and mutilation.

3. The men have to work as a team in combat in order to give themselves the best chance for survival. They start teaching them this in basic training. This is not about personal choice, career opportunity options for women.

4. No, they shouldn't be allowed to try. Looking for masculine enough women to perform in combat is social engineering fluff. This is about, or should be about defending the nation.

5. As a combat veteran, i can tell you first hand that the battlefield is no place for women. What I saw happen to women in war is unfit for human eyes. The battlefield is no place for anybody, let alone women.
I have no problem with a woman being in a combat role as long as she passes the exact same qualifications as men. That said, I have heard that some branches do have lower standards of qualification which is just flat our wrong. But if there is some huge built woman that can do the job, I see no issue.

So how much time are you willing to waste in tax dollars looking for masculine enough women who STILL cannot pass the rigorous combat training qualifications?

Do you want the best army in the world or do you want the most gender neutral, egalitarian army in the world?
Therein lies the problem. Most women can't meet the qualifications.

And forget for a second the physical part as hard as that is. What does it say about a society that it would want to put its women in the most horrid conditions? War is literally hell. Look at what it does to men. Do we really want to do that to our women?

It is almost as if have been trained to think equality is the nirvana of goals to be attained without regard to consequences

Israel puts women into combat and cons like you love Israel. So WTH is wrong with Israeli society?
So how much time are you willing to waste in tax dollars looking for masculine enough women who STILL cannot pass the rigorous combat training qualifications?

Do you want the best army in the world or do you want the most gender neutral, egalitarian army in the world?

Maybe some day the powers that be that control the military will come to the realization that women are just not as good as men.

It's too bad that it might take a slew of women in the military getting killed to realize that.

It's akin to the one dangerous intersection in town.

Everyone complains about it but the city won't put up a stop sign/light 'til someone gets killed.