Women really don't want what they say they want


Former Vice President

For years we have had to listen to women say they want men who are "thenthitive" and "warm and loving". Unfortunately, pussies like Watermark, Nomad and Archives have bought into this propaganda.

However, you can't fight biology.

What do women really want? They want men like me. Men who get shit done. Men who can hunt, provide, and keep them safe. It is hard encoded in their DNA. It can't be changed. This is why broads like Rana, KKKhristiefan and Darla can't get enough of a guy like me. They act like they are offended by me, but they secretly want me. It can't be helped. It is in their DNA. In fact the worse I treat them the more then want me. Go figure.

So all of you guys who think you can pussy your way to getting some pussy, give it up. What women really want is a Pussygrabber.
Isn't it possible that women don't want snowflakes, but also don't want assholes like you? I mean, Damo would probably have women clawing for him if he wasn't married with kids.

It is possible some women want one thing, while other women want another? Maybe, just maybe women are not a monolith?