Women's History Month


Will work for Scooby snacks
March 2008: Women's History Month.


This is pretty intense. "Night of Terror", November 1917: First I've heard of it. Like all the great progressive social movements, from labor rights to civil rights, women's suffrage was paid for in blood and sacrifice.

"While many of the activists in the (Women's Suffrage movement) turned during World War I either to pacifism or to support of America's war effort, the National Woman's Party continued to focus on winning the vote for women. During wartime, they planned and carried out a campaign to picket the White House in Washington, DC."

"The reaction was, as in Britain, strong and swift: arrest of the picketers and their imprisonment. Some were transferred to an abandoned workhouse located at Occoquan, Virginia. There, the women staged hunger strikes, and, as in Britain, were force-fed brutally and otherwise treated violently."

On November 15, 1917, the Warden of Occoquan Workhouse in Virginia ordered 40 of his guards on what is now known as the Night of Terror.

The women were innocent and defenseless. And by the end of the night, they were barely alive. Forty prison guards wielding clubs and with their warden's blessing went on a rampage against the 33 women wrongly convicted of "obstructing sidewalk traffic." They beat Lucy Burn, chained her hands to the cell bars above her head and left her hanging for the night, bleeding and gasping for air. They hurled Dora Lewis into a dark cell, smashed her head against an iron bed and knocked her out cold. Her cellmate, Alice Cosu, thought Lewis was dead and suffered a heart attack. Additional affidavits describe the guards grabbing, dragging, beating, choking, slamming, pinching, twisting and kicking the women.

"The details of the Night of Terror were the last straw. Public outrage and opposition had been building as news leaked that there were hunger strikes and forced feedings, but everything boiled to a head after the Night of Terror. Everyone from ordinary folks to politicians in Washington began to talk about the women and their plight. Demands issued from many quarters that they be released, which they finally were, on November 27 and 28 of 1917, many after nearly half a year in prison."

In January of 1918, Woodrow Wilson announced his support of the Susan B. Anthony Amendment, and Congress voted on it soon thereafter, failing the 2/3 majority test by two votes. American women campaigned vigorously that election year to unseat anti-suffragist incumbents, and were successful. The amendment passed the following year, 1919, by a landslide, and started to make it's way around the country to be ratified.


The Best and Worst State Economies for Women

Four indicators of women’s economic progress are used by the employment and earnings composite index to measure how well women are doing in each state’s economy, which includes women’s earnings, the wage gap, women’s participation in the labor force, and women’s representation in managerial and professional jobs.

Best States
1) District of Columbia
2) Maryland
3) Massachusetts
4) Minnesota
5) Vermont
6) Conecticut
7) New Jersey
8 Colorado

Worst States
51. Arkansas
50. Louisiana
49. West Virginia
48. Mississippi
47. Kentucky
46. Montana
45 Tennessee

WOW, no comment, how does a woman on this board take no comments to this subject.

Everyone agrees?
March 2008: Women's History Month.


This is pretty intense. "Night of Terror", November 1917: First I've heard of it. Like all the great progressive social movements, from labor rights to civil rights, women's suffrage was paid for in blood and sacrifice.

"While many of the activists in the (Women's Suffrage movement) turned during World War I either to pacifism or to support of America's war effort, the National Woman's Party continued to focus on winning the vote for women. During wartime, they planned and carried out a campaign to picket the White House in Washington, DC."

"The reaction was, as in Britain, strong and swift: arrest of the picketers and their imprisonment. Some were transferred to an abandoned workhouse located at Occoquan, Virginia. There, the women staged hunger strikes, and, as in Britain, were force-fed brutally and otherwise treated violently."

On November 15, 1917, the Warden of Occoquan Workhouse in Virginia ordered 40 of his guards on what is now known as the Night of Terror.

"The details of the Night of Terror were the last straw. Public outrage and opposition had been building as news leaked that there were hunger strikes and forced feedings, but everything boiled to a head after the Night of Terror. Everyone from ordinary folks to politicians in Washington began to talk about the women and their plight. Demands issued from many quarters that they be released, which they finally were, on November 27 and 28 of 1917, many after nearly half a year in prison."

In January of 1918, Woodrow Wilson announced his support of the Susan B. Anthony Amendment, and Congress voted on it soon thereafter, failing the 2/3 majority test by two votes. American women campaigned vigorously that election year to unseat anti-suffragist incumbents, and were successful. The amendment passed the following year, 1919, by a landslide, and started to make it's way around the country to be ratified.


The Best and Worst State Economies for Women

Four indicators of women’s economic progress are used by the employment and earnings composite index to measure how well women are doing in each state’s economy, which includes women’s earnings, the wage gap, women’s participation in the labor force, and women’s representation in managerial and professional jobs.

Best States
1) District of Columbia
2) Maryland
3) Massachusetts
4) Minnesota
5) Vermont
6) Conecticut
7) New Jersey
8 Colorado

Worst States
51. Arkansas
50. Louisiana
49. West Virginia
48. Mississippi
47. Kentucky
46. Montana
45 Tennessee


Dude, does doing this really help you get laid?

Dude, does doing this really help you get laid?

He is a persistent one...must suck when all he has for attention is waterbaby!
Anyone who studied history is aware of the suffarage women went thru...it is over they have their rights...give it a rest cippie...try just being a normal guy...maybe ya will land a date...or not!:D
Cawacko, you were conspicuously absent on my black history month thread, with inquiries as to whether it helped me score with blacks. :rolleyes: Oh wait….my girlfriend is African-american. :o

Anyway, I’ll look forward to your inquiries on my posts pertaining to anti-Muslim prejudice, as to whether they are helping me score with Muslims. I’ll let you know!
Cawacko, you were conspicuously absent on my black history month thread, with inquiries as to whether it helped me score with blacks. :rolleyes: Oh wait….my girlfriend is African-american. :o

Anyway, I’ll look forward to your inquiries on my posts pertaining to anti-Muslim prejudice, as to whether they are helping me score with Muslims. I’ll let you know!

You didn't state female blacks you were talking about blacks in general. This was specifically stated at the female species.
Cypress spends days alone at home treasuring how important minorities' and women's achievements and political contributions have been.
You didn't state female blacks you were talking about blacks in general. This was specifically stated at the female species.

So? No one can be concerned about issues affecting women other than women, or men trying to get laid? And if Damo says something I posted here is true, that means he wants to get laid. And any time a guy speaks to me on here and says anything other than "you c*nt" that means he wants to get laid.

I think this is a very silly mentality.
So? No one can be concerned about issues affecting women other than women, or men trying to get laid? And if Damo says something I posted here is true, that means he wants to get laid. And any time a guy speaks to me on here and says anything other than "you c*nt" that means he wants to get laid.

I think this is a very silly mentality.

Hi Darla.
Cawacko, Darla: I only pretend to be a liberal and support Roe v Wade, and a woman’s right to reproductive choice because it gets me laid. :rolleyes: (Project much cawacko?)

Cawacko, I’ll let you know if my posts regarding anti-islamic prejudice gets me any action with hot Muslim girls.
Yes, even though there are a multitude of guys on this site that are not named Cypress , when we say that Cypress is trying to get into your pants it is obvious we are referring to anyone that speaks to you.