Wonder where all of those items that get CONFISCATED at the airport go?


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HERE THEY ARE!!! This eBay seller is actually a person that works in a T.S.A. warehouse where all of those scissors and such are stored!.....THE T.S.A. SELLS ALL OF THOSE CONFISCATED THINGS!!! Check the seller's items if you don't believe me! THE SELLER EVEN SAYS, 'THESE ARE NTSA SEIZURES AND IN VERY GOOD CONDITION!'

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I have a friend that works there that constantly is giving away lighters that they confiscate...
I don't know about the brick, but I saw this on the news the other night and they have lots of S&M harnesses and such :)
I want the brick, though. S&M stuff I can pick up anytime -- this is San Francisco, after all. ;)

After the first year of the program, they published a long list of all the items confiscated, in order of the number confiscated. You know, x thousand pocket knives, x-2 thousand toenail clippers, and so on. Then it got down into the weird shit, like 5 agricultural sicles, if memory serves. Finally, at the very bottom:

. . . and one brick.

That's always bothered me, in a funny sort of way. Who the heck tried to bring a brick onto an airplane, fer cryin' out loud? And why? And why confiscate it? Were they afraid that the passenger might hijack the plane brandishing a brick? Weirdness.

Maybe it was a special brick. Maybe it was someone's pet or something. Anyway, I'd kind of like to have it.