Woo Hoo!

Congrats LadyT. I assume it turned out nice? How big of an area? etc etc.

LOL, not that big. We don't have a whole lot of land, its just that our backyard wasn't landscaped when we got the place so 'we' had to dig out an area, level it, and haul the mulch over (after which I planted the plants!! :)).

If I had to estimate it was around 3ft X 50ft. Tons of mulch everywhere now. I planted lots of Lillies! Pink, Yellow, purply read. and we also re-landscaped the front yard.

Suuuure you did.

How was the pina colada?


I bet your place looks awesome now!

It looks great! I kept whining about how pathetic its looked all summer but everything is planted now. Including our herb and vegetable garden!
So the garden state has at least one mini-garden :clink:

I will likely pick some green beans tomorrow If I don't have to help a friend fix his tractor.
So the garden state has at least one mini-garden :clink:

I will likely pick some green beans tomorrow If I don't have to help a friend fix his tractor.

LOL! Yeah, just the one! We have a tiny patch of lettuce that we've been munching away at over the last few weeks. I want to see if I get some arugula started.
Arrugula? Not raising any loofah's?

I will have sweet corn in another week. My tomatoes do not seem to want to ripen though. too much rain I suppose.