Work Complaint


JPP Modarater
I need to vent.

I swear that some of meme's family members work here. These folks on the equity management side are so freakin' stupid I'm going to pull my hair out.

We've been saying the same thing for the past 3 months and they act like they are hearing it for the first time everytime!! I mean, we spent an entire month testing for this simple procedural change and they some how forgot about it.

Plus, something that was easy for all the other businesses is turning into something extremely complicated for this business.
I mean really, the instructions are simple: sign up for the class and make sure you take these prereqs before you attend the course.

I've gotten like 5 emails of questions from these meme stupid retards.
I need to vent.

I swear that some of meme's family members work here. These folks on the equity management side are so freakin' stupid I'm going to pull my hair out.

We've been saying the same thing for the past 3 months and they act like they are hearing it for the first time everytime!! I mean, we spent an entire month testing for this simple procedural change and they some how forgot about it.

Plus, something that was easy for all the other businesses is turning into something extremely complicated for this business.
I mean really, the instructions are simple: sign up for the class and make sure you take these prereqs before you attend the course.

I've gotten like 5 emails of questions from these meme stupid retards.

LOL. “meme stupid retards”. It’s great.
And do you have to stay really nice about it?

Yeah, I'm a project manager for our investment divisions finance department and if I want to get a job somewhere in the company afterwards, its nice to have not burned bridges.

I'm pretty good at staying professional and keeping up a nice front.

I just b!tch about meme-stupid retards online to get it off my chest.
It never fails to amaze me how stupid people can be.

Just when I think the people at my company cannot possible surprise me with something stupid, they prove me wrong.

Good luck, Milady T.
It never fails to amaze me how stupid people can be.

Just when I think the people at my company cannot possible surprise me with something stupid, they prove me wrong.

Good luck, Milady T.

ugh tell me about it.

I never know how to proceed with that business. I always want toput their conversations off, but I know I should talk to them first because they are 'special' and need more time to do any and everything.
ugh tell me about it.

I never know how to proceed with that business. I always want toput their conversations off, but I know I should talk to them first because they are 'special' and need more time to do any and everything.


Milady, you should see the crowd of "short-bussers" that I have. I work for a company that build cable and fiber optic systems. So of our people are very bright. Others.....well.....when they are digging a trench the shovel is the smartest thing in the whole.

But it keeps things entertaining.

Milady, you should see the crowd of "short-bussers" that I have. I work for a company that build cable and fiber optic systems. So of our people are very bright. Others.....well.....when they are digging a trench the shovel is the smartest thing in the whole.

But it keeps things entertaining.

Sol, I work with the company that you are putting most of the fiber for. It is dilbertville all the way.

Milady, you should see the crowd of "short-bussers" that I have. I work for a company that build cable and fiber optic systems. So of our people are very bright. Others.....well.....when they are digging a trench the shovel is the smartest thing in the whole.

But it keeps things entertaining.

I don't want to be entertained. I just want to mark stuff as completed and move on to happy hour.
My grandfather used to say "There is nothing common about common sense". I always thought he was just a nutty old man. But the older I get the smarter that old man was.

Yeah, its dilbertville in the offices and "hire the handicapped" out in the field.

I have one fun story for ya'll. I got the call that one of our directional boring crews had hit a gas line (natural gas). (directional boring is like drilling for oil but horizontal, and they have some steering capability - its handy) So I headed over to do the root cause analysis. It took me about half an hour to get there. When I pull up the crew is still drilling. You can hear the hiss of the natural gas coming out of the hole (path of least resistance) and the smell of gas is VERY strong. And its all blowing out at this drill rig run by a combustion engine and the operator has a cigarette dangling from his mouth. I go ballistic at the crew. They got all mad and said they didn't like being yelled at. They could have blown up Greystone golf course and killed a few dozen people. But I shouldn't have yelled.
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My grandfather used to say "There is nothing common about common sense". I always thought he was just a nutty old man. But the older I get the smarter that old man was.

Yeah, its dilbertville in the offices and "hire the handicapped" out in the field.

I have one fun story for ya'll. I got the call that one of our directional boring crews had hit a gas line (natural gas). (directional boring is like drilling for oil but horizontal, and they have some steering capability - its handy) So I headed over to do the root cause analysis. It took me about half an hour to get there. When I pull up the crew is still drilling. You can hear the hiss of the natural gas coming out of the hole (path of least resistance) and the smell of gas is VERY strong. And its all blowing out at this drill rig run by a combustion engine and the operator has a cigarette dangling from his mouth. I go ballistic at the crew. They got all mad and said they didn't like being yelled at. They could have blown up Greystone golf course and killed a few dozen people. But I shouldn't have yelled.

I wouldn't put that past my people if we were in the same industry.
My grandfather used to say "There is nothing common about common sense". I always thought he was just a nutty old man. But the older I get the smarter that old man was.

Yeah, its dilbertville in the offices and "hire the handicapped" out in the field.

I have one fun story for ya'll. I got the call that one of our directional boring crews had hit a gas line (natural gas). (directional boring is like drilling for oil but horizontal, and they have some steering capability - its handy) So I headed over to do the root cause analysis. It took me about half an hour to get there. When I pull up the crew is still drilling. You can hear the hiss of the natural gas coming out of the hole (path of least resistance) and the smell of gas is VERY strong. And its all blowing out at this drill rig run by a combustion engine and the operator has a cigarette dangling from his mouth. I go ballistic at the crew. They got all mad and said they didn't like being yelled at. They could have blown up Greystone golf course and killed a few dozen people. But I shouldn't have yelled.
If it was smelling they hit a line that was for consumption. Next time whisper to them how stupid they are, when you are done they'll feel even worse.
Yeah, but whicpering would mean I didn't vent like I wanted. lol

I guess the best one was several years ago. We were pulling fiber into some large concrete vaults. There was a breakdown in the pipe, so we couldn't blow string through. So we were pushing strand (5/16" wire rope) thru the pipe.
One of the guys pushing called on the radio and asked if we had it yet. I stood there and watched one of our supervisors answer "Keep pushing, I'll check whether we can see it", then hopped down into the vault, cupped his hands on either side of his face and put his face right up to the pipe.

I was expecting to see the strand pop out the back of his head. He didn't understand why I made him get out of the vault and go home.

Like the comedian said "You can't fix stupid".