APP - worker safety, what worker safety

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
i think that the Chinese government only cares when something get reported to the media and it goes worldwide

By Koh Gui Qing
DEHUI, China (Reuters) - Workers at a poultry slaughterhouse in northeastern China where 119 people died in a fire this week saw nothing odd in the plant's doors being locked, even after a previous fire at the 4-year-old facility.
One 36-year-old worker, who gave her family name as Li, said there had been a fire at the facility, where ammonia is stored for produce refrigeration, three years ago. That was said to have been started by a lighted cigarette.
China's government has said initial investigations into the cause of Monday's blaze point to ammonia gas leaks that triggered explosions, and also blamed flammable building materials, poor design of escape exits and insufficient fire prevention equipment.
The world's second-largest economy has a poor record on workplace safety, where factory fire exits are often locked or blocked to stop workers taking time off or stealing.
The locking of doors, blamed by state media for making the death toll higher - the final toll was revised down from 120 - was common practice, Li said. "They were worried workers would go outside, not work and waste time. Some people also get hungry during work and will go for food. They were worried about that too," she said.
Another worker, hospitalized for inhaling ammonia, said it was not unreasonable to keep the doors locked while the plant was active. "Of course they'd restrict our movement. I don't know why, but it's not unreasonable. Which company allows workers to wander in and out during work hours?" said the male worker, who didn't want to give his name.
Relatives of the fire victims protested outside the Jilin Baoyuanfeng Poultry Co plant near Dehui in rural Jilin province for a second day on Wednesday, claiming officials lied about how many people died.
Young men and police stumbled into a ditch during scuffles, and police officers were seen kicking and stamping on one man. The protest was dispersed after around 20 minutes, with at least one man taken away by police.
A man who gave his name as Liu, who lost his daughter in the blaze, said he believed many more were killed, and the authorities were covering up the true number.
"They're lying. If you go and count the numbers, check that name list, it's totally false. You can shoot me, I will still say it," he said angrily as police tried to move him along.
Calls to the company seeking comment would not connect.
The government has detained several people in connection with the fire, but has not given any further details. They will likely face long jail sentences, judging from how previous similar industrial disasters have been handled.
"There's a tendency to over-manage employees, to lock them in, to make sure they don't steal," said Mary Gallagher, director of the Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan and an expert on labor relations in China. "But they tend not to take into account the possibility of this kind of occasional accident that then turns into a disaster."
Local fire departments may carry out inspections, but it's mostly about fining factories, said Liu Kaiming, head of the Institute of Contemporary Observation in Shenzhen that advocates labor rights.
"There's no accounting for where those fines go, and we never know if they're used for training or eliminating fire hazards. Fines are currently just a way to increase government income, not to prevent accidents."
(Additional reporting by Maxim Duncan in DEHUI, and Terril Yue Jones and Hui Li in BEIJING; Writing by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Ian Geoghegan)
This is disgusting. Lock them in to make sure they don't steal? That is what camera systems are for. I think it's so sad how some of the employees think this is totally natural and that there is no other way.
We use to not trade with them over human rights, was it under Clinton that dems got in line with profit over human dignity!
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This is disgusting. Lock them in to make sure they don't steal? That is what camera systems are for. I think it's so sad how some of the employees think this is totally natural and that there is no other way.

it is the result of indoctrination and the way the 'peasants' are taught
I'm really not sure but that seems likely.

it was tricky dick that opened trade with china. it was greedy capitalists that expanded on it. we still have restricted things that corporations may not sell to china and they try anyway.

as for those that purchase goods from Asia, blame them.

we have met the enemy and he is us.
How dare those workers, wanting to eat and to get away from toxic fumes during work hours. They should do their eating and breathing on their own time. If they don't want to die at work then there's plenty that do. Ungrateful bunch of leaches, next thing you know they'll want to unionize because they think their being mistreated and used as disposable slave labor... when they should be grateful that they have a job even if it gives them cancer and makes them choke or maybe kills a few now and then. Hey theres lots of them, thinning the herd of the weak and old is good for business. We're in business to make a profit for our wealthy stock holders not to cow-tow to a bunch of low life knuckle dragging workers.
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as for those that purchase goods from Asia, blame them.

we have met the enemy and he is us.

While in general I agree, it can be very hard to not buy something from China; so many things are now being manufactured there.

China and places similar - like the maquiladoras in Mexico - remind me why I am glad we have strong labor laws and strong environmental laws. But as long as corporations can go to other countries and take advantage of lax regulation, it is sure hard for USA companies to compete. I think our trade agreements should have more teeth in terms of enforcing some labor standards, some pay standards, and some environmental standards.

I did visit a company based in Fresno once; they make security cameras. They do it all here - starting with the steel that they cut up for the camera bodies - because, they said, that's the only way they could control the quality and get what they want. It was a very cool company. Think they later got bought out by a French company so not sure what they are doing these days.
While in general I agree, it can be very hard to not buy something from China; so many things are now being manufactured there.

China and places similar - like the maquiladoras in Mexico - remind me why I am glad we have strong labor laws and strong environmental laws. But as long as corporations can go to other countries and take advantage of lax regulation, it is sure hard for USA companies to compete. I think our trade agreements should have more teeth in terms of enforcing some labor standards, some pay standards, and some environmental standards.

I did visit a company based in Fresno once; they make security cameras. They do it all here - starting with the steel that they cut up for the camera bodies - because, they said, that's the only way they could control the quality and get what they want. It was a very cool company. Think they later got bought out by a French company so not sure what they are doing these days.

finding usa made goods is more and more difficult. however, whenever we can we buy u s made products and do not shop at walmart.