Worker ‘was immediately incinerated’ after falling into molten iron, feds say


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I hope his family sues too, there were no guardrails or restraint systems to protect workers from falling. A horrible way to die too?!!

When this happen in the old steel foundry's, they would pour out the molten metal, as in not use it.

A 39-year-old employee on their ninth day of work at a Caterpillar foundry in Illinois fell into a melting pot of iron “and was immediately incinerated,” authorities said.

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration investigated the June 2 fatality and found that the worker’s death could have been prevented, according to a Nov. 9 news release.

The melting specialist was removing an iron sample from a furnace when they fell into the pot of iron heated to over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, authorities said. The worker was employed at Caterpillar’s Mapleton foundry.

“A worker’s life could have been spared if Caterpillar had made sure required safety protections were in place, a fact that only adds to this tragedy,” OSHA Regional Administrator Bill Donovan said in the release.

“Producing more than 150,000 tons each year, Caterpillar’s foundry is one of the nation’s largest and they should be acutely aware of industry regulations to protect workers using smelters and other dangerous equipment.”

Authorities said Caterpillar did not install the federally required guardrails or restraint systems to protect workers from falling.

“If required safety guards or fall protection had been installed, the 39-year-old employee’s ninth day on the job might not have been their last,” officials said.

And how was it that this facility had not been inspected prior to now ? OSHA does do periodic inspections.

The only real answer is that required restraints were removed. That will cost Caterpillar dearly.

RIP worker.

Corporations need to be regulated and taxed properly

Austrian short bus school of economics without math is idiocy

Time for the right in this nation to admit their economic ideas are fantasy
And how was it that this facility had not been inspected prior to now ? OSHA does do periodic inspections.

The only real answer is that required restraints were removed. That will cost Caterpillar dearly.

RIP worker.

What would've been the benefit to removing them?

It's not like Caterpillar is some fly-by-night operation. I have a really difficult time believing they'd remove things like that...
Because your an idiot who refuses facts

What the fuck?

First off, if you're going to try to insult someone's intelligence, you might want to make sure you're not shining a bright light on your own idiocy, as you've done above.

What facts have I refused? I read the article, and asked a perfectly valid question.

Obviously you have a problem with big business, but that doesn't make you smart, nor does it grant you any magical insight into this incident.

What would be the benefit to Caterpillar by removing the safety measures?

It's okay if you're too fucking stupid to answer, but it'd be nice to see you try...
What the fuck?

First off, if you're going to try to insult someone's intelligence, you might want to make sure you're not shining a bright light on your own idiocy, as you've done above.

What facts have I refused? I read the article, and asked a perfectly valid question.

Obviously you have a problem with big business, but that doesn't make you smart, nor does it grant you any magical insight into this incident.

What would be the benefit to Caterpillar by removing the safety measures?

It's okay if you're too fucking stupid to answer, but it'd be nice to see you try...

Dear fucking idiot

Corporations have done evil things over and over and over and over and over and over and over is the worlds history

Why are you so foolish to think they would not do an evil thing?

Fuck you very much
Dubya Bush eviscerated OSHA, and it's never been properly restored.

FMLA, also. for that matter.

Republicans loathe regulation, but an adequately regulated private sector is an absolute imperative in a civilized nation.
One hopes that we become one eventually, but there are no encouraging signs.
What a horrible way to die! My thoughts are with his family, they are the ones who will suffer knowing how he died.
What would've been the benefit to removing them?

It's not like Caterpillar is some fly-by-night operation. I have a really difficult time believing they'd remove things like that...

Simple, makes it easier to do that task. The worker(s) took them off. What are the chances the boss ever gets close to that 2000 degree spot ? None.

If it seems implausible consider this: the plastic's plant I worked at (in IT, not plant floor) had a senior operator to tried to remove an object very near the rapidly moving apparatus because it was going to eventually fall into the works and cause a million dollar line shutdown. He lost his arm in the process. People do stupid things.
Dear fucking idiot

Corporations have done evil things over and over and over and over and over and over and over is the worlds history

Why are you so foolish to think they would not do an evil thing?

Fuck you very much

Wow. What a pathetic little douchebag you are.

Yes, corporations have done evil things, but corporations normally don't do evil things just for the sake of doing evil things. There's usually a reason.

As you've been a complete fucking failure at explaining what that reason may be here, there's no reason to give any meaningful consideration to any of the nonsense you spew.

Now go fuck yourself...
Wow. What a pathetic little douchebag you are.

Yes, corporations have done evil things, but corporations normally don't do evil things just for the sake of doing evil things. There's usually a reason.

As you've been a complete fucking failure at explaining what that reason may be here, there's no reason to give any meaningful consideration to any of the nonsense you spew.

Now go fuck yourself...

No thanks

You are a fucking idiot

If there’s a dime to be made they will do anything

History proves that over and over

Dump the Austrian school of math less economics fool

Corporations need to be regulated, policed and taxed properly to prevent them from by doing evil

Stop being stupid
If there’s a dime to be made they will do anything

Were you not hugged enough as a child? Such an angry little boy you are.

How do they save a dime by removing a handrail?

Never mind, dipshit. Welcome to the steaming pile of human feces that is my ignore list...
Simple, makes it easier to do that task. The worker(s) took them off. What are the chances the boss ever gets close to that 2000 degree spot ? None.

If it seems implausible consider this: the plastic's plant I worked at (in IT, not plant floor) had a senior operator to tried to remove an object very near the rapidly moving apparatus because it was going to eventually fall into the works and cause a million dollar line shutdown. He lost his arm in the process. People do stupid things.

That's the gist of it. We don't know for sure if Caterpillar did or did not have safety items in place. It's entirely possible they did, like a harness or something the employee was supposed to wear but didn't. We don't know if this employee received OSHA / safety training or not. People do stupid things. Not every safety device is really an improvement on safety.
That's the gist of it. We don't know for sure if Caterpillar did or did not have safety items in place. It's entirely possible they did, like a harness or something the employee was supposed to wear but didn't. We don't know if this employee received OSHA / safety training or not. People do stupid things. Not every safety device is really an improvement on safety.

Pretty unlikely the worker did not receive training. The company will have its paperwork looking right.
However, the guys who actually do the work will do it how they want to do it, not necessarily how the process was designed.

As they said at process training, if you want to know what the process is for doing a task, ask the guy who does it, not his boss. His boss will only know the published process.
Pretty unlikely the worker did not receive training. The company will have its paperwork looking right.
However, the guys who actually do the work will do it how they want to do it, not necessarily how the process was designed.

As they said at process training, if you want to know what the process is for doing a task, ask the guy who does it, not his boss. His boss will only know the published process.

Yep, and there's times when the published safety rules make doing what you're supposed to do either impossible or unsafe, so they get ignored.
Yep, and there's times when the published safety rules make doing what you're supposed to do either impossible or unsafe, so they get ignored.

Not often with the unsafe part in the OSHA age. But locking factory doors in the old days, yeah.

Deming observed that workers will tend to find the most efficient way to accomplish a process because they are trying to satisfy what management values. Management may say they value safety above all but the reality is that they value productivity and, in many cases, quality first. Thats what pays the bills after all.
Not often with the unsafe part in the OSHA age. But locking factory doors in the old days, yeah.

Deming observed that workers will tend to find the most efficient way to accomplish a process because they are trying to satisfy what management values. Management may say they value safety above all but the reality is that they value productivity and, in many cases, quality first. Thats what pays the bills after all.

Oh, yea, OSHA can impose rules that are 'One size fits all' and the like creating unsafe conditions in a workplace. For example, a machine shop I ran in the Navy was required to have chuck guards over the chuck of each lathe.


These often got in the way of the cutting tool feed, could tangle up kerf, and in general were just a nuisance in the way of operating the machine safely. Had to have them. They were installed. Nobody used them except if some safety type came to inspect.

There's safe and unsafe. Not every safety rule results in more safety.

I saw a Navy welding shop that used generalized blowers to create ventilation to remove smoke. They did a shitty job but met OSHA requirements. I installed a specialized ventilation fan with movable ducts that the workers had to put next to their work where they were welding. Those worked. They pulled in the smoke as it was generated and exhausted it safely outside of the building.
What the fuck?

First off, if you're going to try to insult someone's intelligence, you might want to make sure you're not shining a bright light on your own idiocy, as you've done above.

What facts have I refused? I read the article, and asked a perfectly valid question.

Obviously you have a problem with big business, but that doesn't make you smart, nor does it grant you any magical insight into this incident.

What would be the benefit to Caterpillar by removing the safety measures?

It's okay if you're too fucking stupid to answer, but it'd be nice to see you try...

Welcome to the world of Desh, JPP's premier Californicator.