Worker's of the world, Unite!


Ain't it the truth! LOL!
It is the absolute truth. Capitalism is just a scheme by the feudalists to redesign their domination over the workers. Owners contribute nothing to society - workers do all, and get nothing for it.
It is the absolute truth. Capitalism is just a scheme by the feudalists to redesign their domination over the workers. Owners contribute nothing to society - workers do all, and get nothing for it.

I know and I hate it when they aren't grateful for the gruel they get.

It is the absolute truth. Capitalism is just a scheme by the feudalists to redesign their domination over the workers. Owners contribute nothing to society - workers do all, and get nothing for it.

Yeah, those damn owners! All they contribute is the starting capital, the actual business idea and take the bulk of the risk.

How dare they think they are important?
Yeah my boss, the owner of the company I work for does nothing. Only puts in about 90+ hours a week, gives us bonuses from his own personal account (so as to make it non taxable), and risks everything on a daily basis to allow us the opportunity to work for him. He needs to be taxed more and beat daily to teach him a lesson.
The ownership of every company needs to be given over to the workers, who are all that truly matter in society. They produce all, the owners gain all. One day, they will rise up, throw off the chains that the social parasites at the top have clamped around their arms, and take what is theirs from back from their feudal lords.
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