APP - Workers to get $2 billion in back pay after government shutdown

Truth Detector

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The pinnacle of irony; while claiming that the shutdown would do untold economic harm, which never materialized, it now turns out that it became a paid vacation for Federal workers who were furloughed.

What really occurred here is that Obama was engaged in partisan politics trying to make the gullible American sheeple believe that Republicans were going to harm them by demanding he sit down with them and discuss how to reign in the massive deficit spending spree he was on.

So basically we have another Government lie claiming that this would hurt people. The only people getting hurt by this Administrations intransigence and arrogance are the American taxpayers. But then, the 42% who are on some form of Government assistance and don't pay taxes don't have to care do they?

Workers to get $2 billion in back pay after government shutdown

WASHINGTON -- Federal workers furloughed during last month's partial government shutdown will receive about $2 billion in back pay, the White House said Thursday.

About 850,000 federal employees were furloughed for at least part of the 16-day shutdown, leading to a loss of 6.6 million work days, the Office of Management and Budget said in a report detailing some of the costs of the fiscal standoff.

"As the president has said, the shutdown that occurred last month inflicted completely unnecessary damage on our economy and took a toll on families and businesses across the country," OMB Director Sylvia Mathews Burwell said in a White House blog post.

The rest of the story:,0,4700740.story#axzz2k03OW7MJ