Working on a WW summary


I thought I would go back, review the earlier games and then list some of the information.

Werewolf I

15 players (12 villagers and 3 wolves)
Game lasted 7 Game Days
[ ] yurt
[ ] threedee
[ ] watermark (wolf lynched on day 1)
[ ] damocles
[ ] captnbilly
[ ] tompender
[ ] southern man
[ ] usfreedom (wolf)
[ ] usaloyal4eveerr
[ ] superfreak (wolf)
[ ] mott (seer lynched on Day 2)
[ ] topspin
[ ] thorn
[ ] nigeltufnel
[ ] pmp

SF and I survived all 12 villagers
I bandwagoned Yurt so bad, the first day. :awesome:

Werewolf II

22 players (18 Villagers and 4 wolves) (This is the game that Mott declared himself to be the seer, to save himself from being lynched on day 2)
[ ] yurt (wolf - Lynched on Game Day 4)
[ ] grind
[ ] watermark
[ ] damocles
[ ] captnbilly
[ ] tomprender
[ ] southern man (wolf - lynched on Game Day 5)
[ ] usfreedom
[ ] usaloyal2theend
[ ] superfreak
[ ] mott
[ ] dixie
[ ] thorn (wolf - Lynched on Day 7) = Game over
[ ] nigeltufnel (seer - revealed himself on Game Day 5) (outed 2 of the remaining wolves) (killed on Game Day 5)
[ ] good luck
[ ] ib1
[ ] apple
[ ] christie (wolf - lynched on Game Day 6)
[ ] sty
[ ] solitary/winterborn
[ ] cawacko
[ ] desh/evince

Villagers won, with 4 villagers left

I got tired and wil review the rest of the threads tomorrow.

Werewolf III

Werewolf IV

Werewolf V
dont forget III has two parts. where I think a player edited a crucial vote which screwed the count up or something. it was a clusterfuck at the time if I remember correctly.
Yeah, SF and a couple of others were screwing with you, and you're just like *sigh*

Day 1 of that round was the most epic of all-time though. That last minute vote for WM by Yurt to break the tie was seriously too funny.
Yeah, SF and a couple of others were screwing with you, and you're just like *sigh*

Day 1 of that round was the most epic of all-time though. That last minute vote for WM by Yurt to break the tie was seriously too funny.

What made it better, was we were right and he was a wolf.
We were lucky WM was a wolf, because its not like there was a concensus on the matter. Yurt and WM basically vied for 1st lynch, because they were the two most popular targets for everyone to pick on... As it was, Yurt got eaten that night, because WM's death pretty much confirmed him a Villager, and you guys needed him out of the way.
Point of Clarification: Werewolf Game II I identified all of the remaining wolves, not simply two of the remaining three. I rule.
I thought I would go back, review the earlier games and then list some of the information.

Werewolf I

15 players (12 villagers and 3 wolves) Grind was the Overseer.
Game lasted 6 Game Days

[ ] watermark (wolf lynched on day 1)
[ ] yurt (Killed by the wolves on Day 1 night)
[ ] mott (seer lynched on Day 2)
[ ] threedee (Killed by the wolves on Day 2 night)
[ ] captnbilly (Lynched on Day 3)
[ ] damocles (Killed by the wolves on Day 3 night)
[ ] southern man (Lynched on Day 4)
[ ] pmp (Killed by the wolves on Day 4 night)
[ ] tompender (Lynched on Day 5)
[ ] nigeltufnel (Killed by the wolves on Day 5 night)
[ ] topspin (Lynched on Day 6) Game over - WOLVES WIN
[ ] usaloyal4
[ ] thorn

[ ] usfreedom (wolf)
[ ] superfreak (wolf)

SF and I survived all 12 villagers
I bandwagoned Yurt so bad, the first day and I only got 2 votes, the entire game. :awesome:

Werewolf II

22 players (18 Villagers and 4 wolves) 3D was the Overseer
Game lasted 7 game days. This is the game that Mott declared himself to be the seer, to save himself from being lynched on day 2.

[ ] usaloyal2theend (Lynched on Day 1)
[ ] grind (Killed by the wolves on Day 1 night)
[ ] captnbilly (Lynched on Day 2)
[ ] usfreedom (Killed by the wolves on Day 2 night)
[ ] mott (Lynched on Day 3)
[ ] solitary/winterborn (Killed by the wolves on Day 3 night)
[ ] cawacko (Wandered off and never returned)
[ ] desh/evince (Wandered off and never returned)
[ ] dixie (Wandered off and never returned)
[ ] ib1 (Wandered off and never returned)
[ ] sty (Wandered off and never returned)
[ ] yurt (wolf - Lynched on Game Day 4)
[ ] superfreak (Killed by the wolves on Day 4 night)
[ ] southern man (wolf - lynched on Game Day 5)
[ ] damocles (Killed by the wolves on Day 5 night)
[ ] christie (wolf - lynched on Game Day 6)
[ ] nigeltufnel (Killed by the wolves on Day 6 night)
[ ] thorn (wolf - Lynched on Day 7) Game over - VILLAGERS WIN

[ ] watermark (Survived)
[ ] tomprender (Survived)
[ ] good luck (Survived)
[ ] apple (Survived)

Villagers won, with 4 villagers left

Werewolf III

9 PLayers (6 villagers and 3 wolves) This is the one I acted as the Overseer.

[ ] Mottleydude (Lynched on Day 1 and he was the seer)
[ ] watermark (Killed by the wolves on Day 1 night)
[ ] CaptBillyTheKid (Wolf - Lynched on Day 2)
[ ] Superfreak (Killed by the wolves on Day 2 night)
[ ] Threedee (Wolf - Lynched on Day 3)
[ ] Thorn (Killed by the wolves on Day 3 night)
[ ] Yurt (Wolf - Lynched on Day 4) - Game over - VILLAGERS WIN

[ ] Damocles (Survived)
[ ] Grind (Survived)

I had a lot of fun, as the overseer, since I got to do the narratives.

I'll try to do the next three, over the next few days.

Werewolf IV

Werewolf V
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I think its misleading to say you bandwagoned Yurt on Day 1, because it gives the impression that you got him killed. Instead, he died an heroic nighttime death standing firm for the Village. St. Yurt will forever be remembered for his sudden reappearance in the last minutes of the game to pull the lever for Watermark and enact justice.
USF = WW legend

great thread

and i'll never forget that game you were a wolf, you played that brilliantly, i had no idea you were a wolf
I think its misleading to say you bandwagoned Yurt on Day 1, because it gives the impression that you got him killed. Instead, he died an heroic nighttime death standing firm for the Village. St. Yurt will forever be remembered for his sudden reappearance in the last minutes of the game to pull the lever for Watermark and enact justice.

I didn't mean for it to mean that I got him lynched; but if you go back and read my posts, you'll see what I mean.
All I have to say is this... if we play another round, it is an automatic $100 fine if you don't post at a minimum of once every other day.