World Citizen code for elitist prick.

Kamala Trump

Verified User
People who proclaim themselves "world citizens" are just elitist prickholes, brainwashed that the most noble thing is to hate their own culture of origin and the people in it.

The illumati uses this brainwash to create a self deluded cadre of traitors to destroy their own homelands, and to serve a totalitarian global government.

congratulations world citizens, you all suck balls.
People who proclaim themselves "world citizens" are just elitist prickholes, brainwashed that the most noble thing is to hate their own culture of origin and the people in it.

The illumati uses this brainwash to create a self deluded cadre of traitors to destroy their own homelands, and to serve a totalitarian global government.

congratulations world citizens, you all suck balls.
Looks like someone ran out of prozak this morning?
Being an elitist is by comparison. Compared to some people I am not elite.

Compared to asshat, I am not just elite, I am a god. :cof1:
I'm a citizen of the world.

But, that's because I'm liberal, educated, well traveled, and capable of hanging out with people of different cultures. Somebody like Asshat or Dixie probably haven't left the County they were born in. Yee-Haw!

Hell, even Reagan called himself a citizen of the world.

Hey man, ThreeDee, how do I turn off your girly images? I can't have my SO peaking over my shoulder and thinking I'm on some fucked up porno site. Way uncool.
I'm a citizen of the world.

But, that's because I'm liberal, educated, well traveled, and capable of hanging out with people of different cultures. Somebody like Asshat or Dixie probably haven't left the County they were born in. Yee-Haw!

Hell, even Reagan called himself a citizen of the world.

Hey man, ThreeDee, how do I turn off your girly images? I can't have my SO peaking over my shoulder and thinking I'm on some fucked up porno site. Way uncool.

true....i already had someone say that to me today....
Hey man, ThreeDee, how do I turn off your girly images? I can't have my SO peaking over my shoulder and thinking I'm on some fucked up porno site. Way uncool.

Ah, yes, that. Go to your User Control Panel, and under one of the features, you have the option to turn off signitures. This is a good one to use at work, because many signitures can be a bit problematic. Even Watermark likes to post really gay images of carebears that can make everyone at work think that you do not sleep with women.

BTW - I want to point out that while my images are of girls' bodies, that does not make them "girly." It actually makes them quite manly IMHO.

Oddly enough, I haven't been able to see them all day, because my network at work turned them into red X's. Damn are they rockin' bodiez!!!

Lastly, if you keep the sigs off, know that when my name returns to Threedee, which won't be too long, I'm just doing this because I'm a slave to trends, my signiture will return to the harmless blurb that it was before.

cypress under user cp in the options turn off signatures and pictures.

I had to do the same thing with the grandkids around.
I consider myself a Human first, American second. Nationalism is a dying philosophy, thank god. By the end of the century, nationalism will have gone the way of the feudalism and tribalism that proceeded it.
I shut off all pictures, avatars and sigs while at work. It's just safer that way.... If you trust the pic you can click the link and see it, but it won't automatically show up.
I consider myself a Human first, American second. Nationalism is a dying philosophy, thank god. By the end of the century, nationalism will have gone the way of the feudalism and tribalism that proceeded it.

A lot can happen in 91 years....

We might even discover that the earth is hollow and oil is just elve sewage.