World finiancial center leaving NYC ?

It is out there, I have been reading about it for a couple of days.
also saw something on it on Charlie Rose interview last night on PBS.
It appears that loss of confidence in the USA under Bush is the root cause.
so you are saying.... you have no link to a real story.

I googled it and found nothing. There is no way that happens. There is no lack of faith in the US economy.... despite what people may think of Bush.
perhaps.... HELL? would they be more comfortable THERE? dumb lil bastards. I told GW that this would happen if I let him be President. But he just kept on whining and whining... finally I just let him have it... partly to get him off my back... but mainly to screw that pain in the ass Gore.
Got to side with GOD on this one. Where the hell are the details??? You are providing none.... how about the proposed new location? anything?
You poor link addicted folks. Well anyway what I heard was either London or Tokyo. London seems to be winning.
"You poor link addicted folks. Well anyway what I heard was either London or Tokyo. London seems to be winning."

When I google a supposed story of this magnitude and get NOTHING... then YES, I would like a link. No way does it move. Especially to Tokyo.
Got to side with GOD on this one. Where the hell are the details??? You are providing none.... how about the proposed new location? anything?

christ on a Harley! what a fuss over no link for no article ;)
I only asked if anyone else had heard about it, apparently not, so far.
Just wait and see what turns out, I don't have any say on the matter. I don't think my piddlin stocks will sway em one way or the other.
Yes , perhaps so huge that they are afraid to talk about it ?
One of our stock exchanges are attempting a hostile takeover of the London Stock Exchange. Is this an attempt to prevent the move ?
Of course no one has heard of this either ? Does no one else watch PBS ?
US..... The Nasdaqs bid for the London exchange has been all over the news. If you google that... you get hundreds of responses.

Now is it because London has developed into a very competitive (in some areas better) alternative to New York? Yes. London will continue to be better than New York in some areas (thanks in large part to Sarbanes/Costly). But I doubt it ever takes over as the safe haven that is the US market place (which is in a very large way... NYC).
Some of the reasons mentioned in the interview with Charlie rose was .
The declining dollar vs the rising Euro.
The defecit.
Fewer IPO's in the USA lately....