World Turtle Day, 2019


Will work for Scooby snacks
Celebrating World Turtle Day, 2019

Met a time traveler recently? They never seem to be in a hurry. Maybe that’s because their body plan has barely changed in the past 200 million years. Turtles are humbling reminders of our place in history. In the blip of time that humans have existed, many cultures have been inspired to include turtles in their art and legends. Sadly, an armored shell can’t protect against all dangers. Worldwide, over half of all species of turtles and tortoises may be facing extinction in the near future. (source: Ca Department of Fish and Wildlife)
Was riding my bike near Swan Creek in Toledo,came upon,a turtle crossing the street,going ,who knows where,no place but houses and alleys.
So I picked him up took him about 100 yards down the hill back to the creek.

Molodietz, my good man. That is exactly 2,567 karma points for you.

I once ran onto a highway to pick up a crossing turtle, and I still feel like I should be nominated for a Presidential Freedom Award.
Molodietz, my good man. That is exactly 2,567 karma points for you.

I once ran onto a highway to pick up a crossing turtle, and I still feel like I should be nominated for a Presidential Freedom Award.

I did the same although it was a neighborhood street, not a highway! But the little guy was going so slow I was afraid the next driver would take him out.
I'll jump in for turtle credit. there was a water snapper type in the middle of the road last year.
You pick them up by the back of the shell, so the long neck can't get you.

I put him in a culvert the leads to a stream -probably why he was crossing to start with
I once had to avoid a turtle crossing the interstate. I looked in the rear view mirror to be sure I didn't squish it. Sure enough I didn't but the next guy behind me made a point to swerve to run over it. I could see him laughing. :mad:
