You gotta admit dims do the same.Would they support the devil himself if he had a (R)next to his name~satan(R)
Aren't most atheists democrats?
Would they support the devil himself if he had a (R)next to his name~satan(R)
Trick question!Every Democrat I know is Christian.Aren't most atheists democrats?
Not this (D)-leaning pagan. Our (D)-voting neighbors are Christian. In fact the only (D)-voting atheists I know of would be my husband, and two of my kids.
To believe in the devil one has to believe in God
You gotta admit dims do the same.
To believe in the devil one has to believe in God. Do you believe in God lefty?
Nope. Democrats have never in modern American history nominated anyone even remotely close to the levels of incompetence and/or criminality of Donald J. Trump, Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney, George Dumbya Bush, Tricky Dick Nixon, or Spiro T. Agnew.
An observation: Whether it is Xtians, Muslims, Hindu Brahmin, Gardnerian witchcraft adherents, etc. -- all those with fundamentalist religious beliefs have one thing in common.
They don't believe that a non-adherent can be an ethical, moral person absent that belief. The religious historians among us fear that this will lead to anarchy, war, sin, death, annihilation, etc. It often has.
This is why humans are damned to warfare and strife for as long as we manage to exist. We're sometimes pretty stupid.
You think a lot about yourself, don't you?
Yeah. I'm human. What's *your* species?
You think a lot about yourself, don't you?
W. was a lightweight compared to LBJ. How do you compare the Vietnam Dabacle to the Iraq fuckup? As far as the rest, you're right, no comparison. The hildbeest has been a lifelong career criminal.Nope.
Democrats have never in modern American history nominated anyone even remotely close to the levels of incompetence and/or criminality of Donald J. Trump, Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney, George Dumbya Bush, Tricky Dick Nixon, or Spiro T. Agnew.
You gotta admit dims do the same.
W. was a lightweight compared to LBJ. How do you compare the Vietnam Dabacle to the Iraq fuckup? As far as the rest, you're right, no comparison. The hildbeest has been a lifelong career criminal.
I give thanks to every day to jesus, allah, mohamed the prophet, buddha, confusious, Tao te ching , mary, Moses, Putin, Assange , Zuess, Thor and anyone else I can think of just in case, that hrc did not get elected.