Would tRump sell State secrets to pay off debt?


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Go back and review tRump's personal habits and business practices since 1975 and tell me what you think his capabilities are.

Too many tRump supporters only know the "Donald" since his "Apprentice" days. There is a lot more about Donald tRump for them to learn.
Yes. However, I think it's highly unlikely he's going to be able to do that without getting caught. Which is why I think he's in a world of hurt. Russian mobs want their money. Good luck, Donny.

Go back and review tRump's personal habits and business practices since 1975 and tell me what you think his capabilities are.

Too many tRump supporters only know the "Donald" since his "Apprentice" days. There is a lot more about Donald tRump for them to learn.

Without a doubt, not just because of debt, but also for personal gain or out of revenge, as much as he humped flags, Trump don’t give a rat’s ass about the country beyond how it can serve his personal needs
Yes. However, I think it's highly unlikely he's going to be able to do that without getting caught. Which is why I think he's in a world of hurt. Russian mobs want their money. Good luck, Donny.

Sadly, tRump will get Secret Service protection at taxpayer expense.