Wow. Amazing Video of Cheney in 1994

Wow I wish that guy had advised Bush II when he decided to go to Iraq. That is really well thought out reasons for not invading Iraq. And for those who are going to CONCENTRATE on the "alone" section of the statement, we are alone here now. There are token forces from other countries and the UK is getting out. So where the hell did THAT Dick Cheney go?
so the dark side has taken over Cheney since then it would appear....

"I think for us to get american military personnel involved in a civil war inside Iraq would literally be a quagmire. Once we got to Baghdad, what would we do ?... I do not think the United States wants to have U.S. military forces accept casualties and accept responsibility of trying to govern Iraq. It makes no sense at all"

Said by Dick Cheny (SOD) in 1991 after gulf war.

I love it, I guess when cheney invaded this time i was just an old style republican ;D

and Cheney had the gall to call those who just espoused his viewpoint unamerican and such.
Yeah, Ive seen it before.

You know, Poppy Bush wrote a book in 1998, I think, that basically said the same thing.

What a couple of morons.

Well they had to placate the armchair admiral republicans.
You had Sadams ass, why didn't you take it?
Cool Video fellah. Goes to show the flagrant bullshit hypocrisy. Kind of like guys that don't want an edit feature, and then backhandedly use one you know. :D