Wow! Happy 130th!


Staff member

SACHIRE, Georgia – Authorities in the former Soviet republic of Georgia claim a woman from a remote mountain village turned 130 on Thursday, making her the oldest person on Earth.

Antisa Khvichava from western Georgia was born on July 8, 1880, said Georgiy Meurnishvili, spokesman for the civil registry at the Justice Ministry.

The woman, who lives with her 40-year-old grandson in an idyllic vine-covered country house in the mountains, retired from her job as a tea and corn picker in 1965, when she was 85, records say.

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How is her grandson only 40?

I remember when an American women passed away in 2003 that had been born in 1879. Hell, my great-grandfather Cyril only lived to be 103, and that's incredible!!
How is her grandson only 40?

I remember when an American women passed away in 2003 that had been born in 1879. Hell, my great-grandfather Cyril only lived to be 103, and that's incredible!!
Her son is like David Letterman? Married a younger woman... :dunno:

I don't even know if it is true. I thought the Bible said our years were limited to 120...
Her son is like David Letterman? Married a younger woman... :dunno:

I don't even know if it is true. I thought the Bible said our years were limited to 120...

The Bible had people living into their 600s during Genesis. Then the Earth became depleted, I guess...
The Bible had people living into their 600s during Genesis. Then the Earth became depleted, I guess...
Well, from what I understand After the Flood, and the spread of humanity, God just flat said, "Your years will be limited to 120..."
Yeah, Genisis 6:3...

3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with [a] man forever, for he is mortal ; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."
Her son is like David Letterman? Married a younger woman... :dunno:

I don't even know if it is true. I thought the Bible said our years were limited to 120...

I believe some experts claim Abraham lived to be in his 900's or something like that. The theory being that when Adam and Eve ate the fruit, everlasting life was revoked. Slowly but surely people started to live lesser years as time went on, which may explain why Abraham lived as long as he did.
Well, thus far it seems to be only women living beyond 120... :cof1:
Actually, the verse simply said that mankind itself would only live another 120 years, it was pre-flood, Noah preached for 120 years as his arc was built, then the flood hit and killed everybody...

Interesting. It didn't limit our lifetimes, it limited the time mankind had before the flood...
I believe some experts claim Abraham lived to be in his 900's or something like that. The theory being that when Adam and Eve ate the fruit, everlasting life was revoked. Slowly but surely people started to live lesser years as time went on, which may explain why Abraham lived as long as he did.
Those were all pre-flood. Some time after the flood, after Noah had time to repopulate the planet, our years were limited to 120. I thought. But it is a memory from when I was about 10 so... I take it myself with a grain of rice.
*Waits for punchline to dumb joke*

No. No punch line. They live that long because they are spiteful. If you don't believe me, look at the evidence in your evening news paper. Go to the obituaries section.

Now start reading about all old guys who just kicked the bucket in the obituaries. Here's what you'll see.

..Mr. David Jones, 79, Married 42 years, survivied by wife.
..Mr. Art Smith, 87, Married 65 years, survived by wife.
..Mr. James Whitworth, 103, Married 81 years, survived by wife!!!

noticing a trend here? I bet you won't find a single old man pushing up daisies in the whole obituary that aint been survived by his wife. This can only be explained by sheer spitefulness.
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When my great-grandfather died at 103 in the mid-90s, he had outlived his wife by about 30 years.

Exception to rule = Moot PWNED

Oh, and a retired Col. Schaffler who used to live next door to me, who is pushing 100 and was alive as of one year ago (not sure, since my mom forgot to go to a rummage sale he was always a part of) had outlived his wife!!
I will tell you, that I hope I am survived by my wife and children. I don't want any of them to ever die before me, ever.
I believe some experts claim Abraham lived to be in his 900's or something like that. The theory being that when Adam and Eve ate the fruit, everlasting life was revoked. Slowly but surely people started to live lesser years as time went on, which may explain why Abraham lived as long as he did.
Methuselah lived to be 969 years old. That is the oldest recorded person in the Bible, but it was also pre-flood.