NIE debunks everthing Dixie has been saying 4 last 12 months


Will work for Scooby snacks
New Iraq NIE conclusions:

Iraq is worse than a civil war. Parts of the conflict can accurately be described as a civil war according to the NIE, but its more complex than that: since an insurgency and foreign terrorism are also part of the mix.

While Iran is meddling in Iraq, Iran is not a major driver of the violence.

The violence and sectarian strife in Iraq is self-sustaining, with or without Iranian meddling.
Oh, and the NIE says things in Iraq are bad, and are going to get worse.

Which contrasts with Dixie's statements last year, when he was crowing after the killing of zarqawi that the insurgency was in its demise, that al qaeda in iraq was finished, and the the mission was "almost complete"
Uhm, the National Intelligence Estimate is a prediction, not a statement of definitive fact. How does a prediction of things that haven't happened yet, refute something I said? That's pretty damn amazing, isn't it?
Uhm, the National Intelligence Estimate is a prediction, not a statement of definitive fact. How does a prediction of things that haven't happened yet, refute something I said? That's pretty damn amazing, isn't it?

This is too easy:

-DIXIE: "It's NOT a civil war!"

-NIE: "The term civil war accurately describes key elements of the Iraqi conflict"


-DIXIE: "Iran is the MAJOR problem in Iraq!"

-NIE: "Iran is not likely to be a major driver of the violence in Iraq"


-DIXIE, June 2006: "Al qaeda in Iraq is finished, the insurgency is in it's demise, and our mission is almost complete!

-NIE, February 2007: Things are bad in Iraq, and are going to get worse in the next 12-18 months.
Yeah, it's too easy...

Dixie's past statements = PREDICTION AND OPINION.

Prissy's lack of comprehension and thought process = FACT.
Who's more qualified to judge if iraq has a civil war, if the insurgency "is in its demise", and if our mission in iraq is "almost complete"?

Anonymous poster Dixie?


The sixteen intelligence agencies that make up the NIE?

The NIE is concluding the opposite of what YOU concluded and predicted.

Yet another example of Dixie always being wrong on Iraq, I'd say.
The NIE is concluding the opposite of what YOU concluded and predicted.

How do you make the leap from ESTIMATE to CONCLUSION?
Is there some kind of hard wired bypass in your brain or something? The NIE doesn't actually "conclude" anything, they present a lot of intelligence information, and make evaluations on that information. They have opinions, not conclusions, and sometimes they are right, sometimes they are wrong. Nothing is ever "concluded" in an NIE report, far from it.

I have also not "concluded" anything. I know you have misconstrued things I have said, and taken statement I've made out of context, but I have never made conclusive determinations on Iraq, that has been what you have done.

Yet another example of Dixie always being wrong on Iraq, I'd say.

And I'd say it's another Prissy attempt to skew the facts and make Dixie wrong, when Dixie wasn't really "wrong" about anything. It's amazing how obsessed you pinheads are with little ol' me!
The NIE is concluding the opposite of what YOU concluded and predicted.

How do you make the leap from ESTIMATE to CONCLUSION?
Is there some kind of hard wired bypass in your brain or something? The NIE doesn't actually "conclude" anything, they present a lot of intelligence information, and make evaluations on that information. They have opinions, not conclusions, and sometimes they are right, sometimes they are wrong. Nothing is ever "concluded" in an NIE report, far from it.

I have also not "concluded" anything. I know you have misconstrued things I have said, and taken statement I've made out of context, but I have never made conclusive determinations on Iraq, that has been what you have done.

Yet another example of Dixie always being wrong on Iraq, I'd say.

And I'd say it's another Prissy attempt to skew the facts and make Dixie wrong, when Dixie wasn't really "wrong" about anything. It's amazing how obsessed you pinheads are with little ol' me!

Is there some kind of hard wired bypass in your brain or something? The NIE doesn't actually "conclude" anything, they present a lot of intelligence information, and make evaluations on that information. They have opinions, not conclusions, and sometimes they are right, sometimes they are wrong. Nothing is ever "concluded" in an NIE report, far from it.

LOL - such pure, unadulterated spin. Fine, let's use your lexicon. The NIE issued Judgements. The Report itself uses the word "Key Judgements".

If you want to do clinton-esque wordsmithing, let's dispense with the word "conclusion", and use the exact NIE lexicon "judgement".

And Let's compare NIE's Judgements, versus YOUR Judgments, shall we?

-DIXIE'S Judgement: "It's NOT a civil war!"

-NIE's Judgement: "The term civil war accurately describes key elements of the Iraqi conflict"


-DIXIE'S judgement: "Iran is the MAJOR problem in Iraq!"

-NIE's Judgement: "Iran is not likely to be a major driver of the violence in Iraq"


-DIXIE'S Judgement, June 2006: "Al qaeda in Iraq is finished, the insurgency is in it's demise, and our mission is almost complete!

-NIE Judgement, February 2007: Things are bad in Iraq, and are going to get worse in the next 12-18 months.
-DIXIE'S Judgement: "It's NOT a civil war!"

Context: In a traditional or classic civil war.

-DIXIE'S judgement: "Iran is the MAJOR problem in Iraq!"

Context: Iran, along with Syria, Baathist Loyalists, alQaeda, and Sunni Extremists, are the MAJOR problem in Iraq!

If you want to do clinton-esque wordsmithing, let's dispense with the word "conclusion", and use the exact NIE lexicon "judgement".

And Let's compare NIE's Judgements, versus YOUR Judgments, shall we?

There is nothing clinton-esque about distinguishing between opinions and conclusions, they are two different things. An opinion I had a year ago, is not comparable with opinions of the NIE today, that is a ridiculous standard for you to expect anyone to meet.
-DIXIE'S Judgement: "It's NOT a civil war!"

Context: In a traditional or classic civil war.

-DIXIE'S judgement: "Iran is the MAJOR problem in Iraq!"

Context: Iran, along with Syria, Baathist Loyalists, alQaeda, and Sunni Extremists, are the MAJOR problem in Iraq!

If you want to do clinton-esque wordsmithing, let's dispense with the word "conclusion", and use the exact NIE lexicon "judgement".

And Let's compare NIE's Judgements, versus YOUR Judgments, shall we?

There is nothing clinton-esque about distinguishing between opinions and conclusions, they are two different things. An opinion I had a year ago, is not comparable with opinions of the NIE today, that is a ridiculous standard for you to expect anyone to meet.

ROTFLMAO... Not in a traditional or classic sense.. Because the insurgents did not line up for battle, have a drummer and a standard barror its not a civil war!
ROTFLMAO... Not in a traditional or classic sense.. Because the insurgents did not line up for battle, have a drummer and a standard barror its not a civil war!

ROTFLMFAO.... Yeah, in the traditional or classic sense... as in, having a standing army... having a place they declare the "capital" ...having a president... having a border... having a DMZ... having governmental support and infrastructure... that sort of thing! You have NONE of that here, you have two groups of radical extremist "sectarians" who want to have their fucking way, and believe they should try and kill each other to get it... and you have the other 80% of Iraq, who want it all to stop, and let them get on with rebuilding their DEMOCRATIC nation.

You are pre-disposed to call this a Civil War, because it fits your agenda. You're opposed to the war, I get it! No one expects you to come here and cry about anything other than the Godawful Bloody Civil War We're Dying In! Objectively, honestly, there have been FAR worse "Civil Wars" ...and this one is still "arguably" not a real civil war, no "conclusion" has been made definitively on that. Different folks have different opinions, that doesn't make something a fact.

It's time for you to understand, nothing is going to change in Iraq soon. Things are going to be bad there, people are going to die. The issue is, how many, and under what condition? We have a moral and ethical obligation to the vast majority of Iraq, who do not wish to see this Civil War happen, and want to try and give the Unity government a chance to work. I would think you might want to come up with suggestions on how we can make this happen for them, instead of continuing to foment talk of civil war and failure.

I understand you don't like the war... so what? A lot of people don't like war! It's not a reason to be counter-productive and stand in the way! The public opinion polls are on your side, no one likes the war! I don't imagine people liked the war when we were losing 10k a day in the Battle of the Bulge, either.... but we couldn't just pull up stakes and come home! We had an obligation, and it had to be fulfilled... was Hitler worth even ONE of the hundreds of thousands of US lives? It doesn't matter, we had to do it, no one else could.
why can't you just admit that you have been dead wrong about damned near everything having to do with Iraq since day one?

And why can't you comprehend how a country might not want to listen to the prognostications and certainty laden pronouncements of a group of folks like you and Team Bush who HAVE been so wrong for so long?

You gave us one set of keys in November... you will give us the other set in November of '08 and America will send you into the corner to sit facing the wall for a well deserved time out.
DIXIE: "ROTFLMFAO.... Yeah, in the traditional or classic sense... as in, having a standing army... having a place they declare the "capital" ...having a president... having a border... having a DMZ... having governmental support and infrastructure..."

Translation: "If it's NOT like the American civil war, then it's not really a civil war!"

Newsflash: Most civil wars of the twentieth century were nothing like the american civil war, with uniformed armies and seperate capital cities.

From algeria, to somalia, to Lebanon, 20th century civil war have involved non-uniformed militia groups and unconventional warfare: Just like the civil war you helped create in Iraq