Writer's block

I'm drinking a very nice sparkling shiraz.

Wasn't it one of your best writers that had wrier's block for years? Steinbeck? Or the other bloke who was a bit of a hermit, Salinger, I think.

You're in good company :D

Hey it could be internet forums are taking your best stuff! They could be sponging off you, taking all your creative energies - the old story, writing's 10% inspiration, 90% perspiration.

Build up some resentment, that drives good writing :D
I'm drinking a very nice sparkling shiraz.

Wasn't it one of your best writers that had wrier's block for years? Steinbeck? Or the other bloke who was a bit of a hermit, Salinger, I think.

You're in good company :D

Hey it could be internet forums are taking your best stuff! They could be sponging off you, taking all your creative energies - the old story, writing's 10% inspiration, 90% perspiration.

Build up some resentment, that drives good writing :D

Henry Roth (I think that's his name) had writer's block for 60 years. Not encouraging to hear that.
Salinger never got serious writer's block. That's a common misconception. He's actually still writing, he just hasn't published anything in forty years. He's has about 15 novels ready to be published on his death.

I'm not actually high. I just enjoy taking Beefies lines.

(Do you see the pun there? "Line"? LIke in a cocaine line? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!)

Amphetamines actually speed up your brain, now.

Make up your mind already...in another thread to me you said 'I don't do drugs BB' You are one confused being!:rolleyes:
Write the story of how your uncle was an itinerant square dance caller who eventually joined the army and wound up entertaining his vietanamese captors with the festive hillbilly dancing style.
Salinger never got serious writer's block. That's a common misconception. He's actually still writing, he just hasn't published anything in forty years. He's has about 15 novels ready to be published on his death.
And, if I recall correctly, most of them crap by his own estimation. :)

There's no way to quantify or predict artistic inspiration. That admission comes hard to a dyed-in-the-wool mechanist like me but it is demonstrably true. Salinger being one of the best examples, in fact.
And, if I recall correctly, most of them crap by his own estimation. :)

There's no way to quantify or predict artistic inspiration. That admission comes hard to a dyed-in-the-wool mechanist like me but it is demonstrably true. Salinger being one of the best examples, in fact.

Salinger's work did get worse after Catcher in the Rye but I doubt any of the novels he's written since then were truly terrible.

I should just send off my transcript for the first part of my novel now, realizing I'll never get done with all three parts, and cash in on that while I can.
The thing that really bugs me is how I'm never able to write out the vivid surrealistic stuff I always have planned. I can only write realistic tragedies and not good ones at that.
Salinger's work did get worse after Catcher in the Rye but I doubt any of the novels he's written since then were truly terrible.

I should just send off my transcript for the first part of my novel now, realizing I'll never get done with all three parts, and cash in on that while I can.
Oh, Grasshopper, let me enlighten you, my brother. If you are indeed in the position to . . . ah . . . "cash in", then, by all means, do so. That is, sad to say, the only way in which you will ever be able to write and publish what you want to write and publish.

ANY decent author of any consequence has a box full of rejection slips. I'll show you mine someday if you'll show me yours. You know what that proves? It proves that you've been trying. Nothing more nor less.