WRL, You can't handle the truth!


Villified User
I think all people should see more of the horrors of war so they could make a more informed decision on whether to support it or not.
USC, apparently WRL doesn't mind the use of the photos of those who have died in war, per se.

He was objecting to using pics of the war dead without their permission.

So if we could just get a Ouiji Board avatar, we could ask them before posting their pics.
The man was clearly standing on his own two feet at the time, and I'm sick and tired of the liberal left thinking they can prey on our wounded and dead service members privacy by exploiting, without their consent, our wounded and dead. As I said in the thread, I would have no problem had dalra used an Iraq war vet against the war, to make her point, but to invade a wounded vets privacy, and post his picture around to attack the very Military, he gave all for. That's just the lowest and most despicable thing one could do. It's the type of thing the dishonorable left has been doing this whole time, here is a clip from Michael Moore's, fahrenheit 9/11 where he uses wounded soldiers without their consent, see how it effects these brave men, See where Moore uses unauthorized footage of another soldiers funeral, and see how that unauthorized use of their family morning, that exploitation of the most private moment, for political propaganda.

At some point we have to stand up to these dispicable, dishonorable, low class, cowards, and protect the privacy of our Troops.

[ame="http://youtube.com/watch?v=Bon5Z7W9vZc"]YouTube - FahrenHYPE 9/11 -Part 7/8[/ame]

And these people talk about 'supporting the troops' then exploit them...
The man was clearly standing on his own two feet at the time, and I'm sick and tired of the liberal left thinking they can prey on our wounded and dead service members privacy by exploiting, without their consent, our wounded and dead. As I said in the thread, I would have no problem had dalra used an Iraq war vet against the war, to make her point, but to invade a wounded vets privacy, and post his picture around to attack the very Military, he gave all for. That's just the lowest and most despicable thing one could do. It's the type of thing the dishonorable left has been doing this whole time, here is a clip from Michael Moore's, fahrenheit 9/11 where he uses wounded soldiers without their consent, see how it effects these brave men, See where Moore uses unauthorized footage of another soldiers funeral, and see how that unauthorized use of their family morning, that exploitation of the most private moment, for political propaganda.

At some point we have to stand up to these dispicable, dishonorable, low class, cowards, and protect the privacy of our Troops.


And these people talk about 'supporting the troops' then exploit them...

WRL, Do you actually READ what you write?

"I'm sick and tired of the liberal left thinking they can prey on our wounded and dead service members privacy by exploiting, without their consent, our wounded and dead."

Please tell us how Darla Preyed on that soldier? Please tell us how she exploited anyone (wounded or dead) by posting that picture and ONLY that picture?

"As I said in the thread, I would have no problem had dalra used an Iraq war vet against the war, to make her point, but to invade a wounded vets privacy, and post his picture around to attack the very Military, he gave all for."

What attack? You keep calling it an attack. It was an example of the worst thing that can happen to a soldier. And a damn good example. She was not pulling any Operation Pink bullshit.

"It's the type of thing the dishonorable left has been doing this whole time, here is a clip from Michael Moore's, fahrenheit 9/11 where he uses wounded soldiers without their consent, see how it effects these brave men, See where Moore uses unauthorized footage of another soldiers funeral, and see how that unauthorized use of their family morning, that exploitation of the most private moment, for political propaganda."

Michael Moore WAS producing propaganda. But what Darla did was completely different. She did not add any speech about the war. She answered a question with a picture. If you cannot tell the difference I am amazed you were bright enough to be allowed in the US Military.

"At some point we have to stand up to these dispicable, dishonorable, low class, cowards, and protect the privacy of our Troops."

Look, when your picture is sent out over the wire and used in many newspapers and other news media, you have lost the privacy of that picture. Darla did not invade his privacy. She REPRINTED a picture that has been shown over and over and over.

You are acting like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Whenever a black person fails or is prosecuted, they scream racism. The fact that there is no truth to their claim never slows them down. They have made true claims of racism much harder to get publicised because they have cried wolf so often. You are screaming about something that did not happen. There was no invasion of privacy, there was no exploitation, and there dishonor in Darla's post of that picture.

The only dishonor is what is shown by you. You want this man to be hidden away. You want him to never be seen unless he is standing next to a politician that you favor. And that, WRL, is dishonoring his memory.
It was an attack on the Military, exploiting a picture of a wounded Marine he never authorized for such purposes, to trash a posters question about serving in the Military. There are many reason's to join, there are many reason's not to for some people, but when the debate resorts to dishonorable, low class, downright trashy, exploitation of wounded soldiers, using them without their consent, for a cause they wouldn't support, I mean who the hell is darla to make that decision for that man who has suffered enough, without his family being drug through the political rungs now because the left wants to make a point. The picture was used to honor him, not trash the Military and that which he gave his life for, it's pretty sad when you can't even photograph a wounded soldier getting promoted, because the left will disrespect you and what you've given so much for with it. It's disrespectful, dishonorable, low class trash, from a person who obviously wouldn't know honor if she ran smack into it.

I once more post this video so some can at least see the pain that causes these soldiers and their families, when they become the lefts political tools.

[ame="http://youtube.com/watch?v=Bon5Z7W9vZc"]YouTube - FahrenHYPE 9/11 -Part 7/8[/ame]

About 5 min. in, you can see the part about the unauthorized funeral being exploited by the left in fahrenheit 9/11, look at the tears, the pain, and for what your politics. All this talk about 'Support the troops' I guess stops when they make good political tools.
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I am not disagreeing that Michael Moore exploited the soldiers.

I am saying that Darla did not. And not getting sent into a war and coming home wounded or dead is a valid reason for not joining the military.

She was not making an anti-military statement. She was giving a valid reason for not enlisting. And reasons for not enlisting were REQUESTED.

And you are completely ignoring the fact that the picture is in the public domain. Darla did not invade his privacy.

What is that soldier's name? Where did he serve? When was he wounded? How was he wounded? Where is he from? What were his injuries?

I am betting you know none of that. He consented to the picture being taken and published. So this picture is not an invasion of his privacy.

This picture has been printed and reprinted countless times.

You are not making any new points, and your old points are not valid. If you are going to run away because of this, then run. If not, then lets get on to new and better topics.
I saw it in that moore movie, I've seen it from other extreme left wing sources, it was one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen, never saw it done in person, and I'm fairly certain most people would object to antiwar protesters using pictures of wounded soldiers without the individuals implicit consent for their political actions. If out of anything but respect, support the troops right, we don't go flashing around pictures of burnt up firemen, no we respect the privacy of that injury, and if they wish to speak out we listen.

The picture was of him getting promoted, and was not intended to be used in a disrespectful way, or in some anti-war / Military way, is he not allowed a picture on his promotion because it opens him to left wing propaganda? We as a nation should be respectful enough of our wounded vets not to propagandize them, to not put words in their mouths.
WRL leaving ? How wonderful.

I have returned to grace all of you with my presence.
You may now tremble in honor of my my magnificence.