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Today's high of 71 was last nights low. Tonight's low will be 43. A thirty-degree drop in 24 hours! What happened to all that global warming?
I went to Ohio, from Michigan, and it was at least 87 degrees down there. That was about a 30 degree difference from home. Both a tropical system, and a rain system moved out damn near in unison just recently as well. You look that it's cooled off a lot, but ignore that it was 80, to 90 degree temps in October. What kind of complacent stupidity is that? I don't want to teach a class here. If you jump, and complain that temps are cooling off from these extremes, and want to poo poo global warming, you missed the point. Are you going to point to the large amounts of snow, that is certain to come, thanks to warmer waters, as well?