
In a few hours I’ll be out of here until after Christmas. So, Merry Christmas.

And remember for this holiday season, if you drink don’t post, and if you post, don’t drink.

I myself posted a bit tipsy last night, and that is one reason you won’t see me here until after Christmas…and also because unlike a good many of you fools, I actually get invited places. (No offense Top)

Merry Christmas!
We know..............

In a few hours I’ll be out of here until after Christmas. So, Merry Christmas.

And remember for this holiday season, if you drink don’t post, and if you post, don’t drink.

I myself posted a bit tipsy last night, and that is one reason you won’t see me here until after Christmas…and also because unlike a good many of you fools, I actually get invited places. (No offense Top)

Merry Christmas!

You were invited to Hillary's campaign Holiday party...she asked you to 'be pretty in Pink'...so you can entertain Billy!:D
Yep merry Xmas to all. Played hardass Scrooge and told the employees no one got off today. Now to go and have the suprise Christmas party with bonuses, food, drink and such. I also hired a non drinker to drive them home if needed after.

gotta go and beat the caterers there.

Yep merry Xmas to all. Played hardass Scrooge and told the employees no one got off today. Now to go and have the suprise Christmas party with bonuses, food, drink and such. I also hired a non drinker to drive them home if needed after.

gotta go and beat the caterers there.


Awww, that is so cool! Merry Christmas usc.
In a few hours I’ll be out of here until after Christmas. So, Merry Christmas.

And remember for this holiday season, if you drink don’t post, and if you post, don’t drink.

I myself posted a bit tipsy last night, and that is one reason you won’t see me here until after Christmas…and also because unlike a good many of you fools, I actually get invited places. (No offense Top)

Merry Christmas!


Merry Xmas Darla and have a safe trip! Same to everyone else. :) I'm not sure what time we're coming back so I may or may not be here on Christmas day night.
I am sore today, had too much fun yesterday evening....
BTW my employees wifes and families knew of the party, just the actual employees did not know.
A good time was had by all and a 5% bonus as well.