Yaaay! go Nancy go!


Villified User
House Haven for Smokers Now Off-Limits Under Pelosi

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

WASHINGTON — New House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is snuffing out one of Congress' enduring prerogatives, still cherished by some lawmakers — the right to smoke near the floor of the House.

Pelosi, D-Calif., announced Wednesday that effective immediately, House members would no longer be able to light up in the ornate Speaker's Lobby off the House floor where lawmakers mingle during votes.

The room is often hazy with smoke, as it was Tuesday night as the House voted on anti-terror legislation; Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, often has cigarette in hand, for example.

"The days of smoke-filled rooms in the United States Capitol are over," Pelosi said. "Medical science has unquestionably established the dangerous effects of secondhand smoke, including an increased risk of cancer and respiratory diseases. I am a firm believer that Congress should lead by example."

being an ex-smker and cancer survivor, i support that move too. it makes it a lot easier to quit when it's not going on around you all the time....now i gotta figger out how to deal with too much food..........
on of my co-wokers is at home recovering from losing part of his lung to cancer. they think they caught it early enough since they didn't find any more outside the lung tumor....he finally quit now too.
A friend of mine, a formerly heavy smoker, is now 6 years cancer-free, after recovering from lung cancer. At the time even her doctors didn't give her much chance (the prognosis after diagnosis had been 3 weeks to live), but when they zapped the tumor in the hope to give her better breathing in the interim the thing started to shrink.

She's a vegetarian -- it's rumored that they do better than the rest of us in terms of recovering from cancer; I don't know the numbers but she certainly is a shining example of recovery!

Good for you, Hiplew! Best wishes for continued health.
A friend of mine, a formerly heavy smoker, is now 6 years cancer-free, after recovering from lung cancer. At the time even her doctors didn't give her much chance (the prognosis after diagnosis had been 3 weeks to live), but when they zapped the tumor in the hope to give her better breathing in the interim the thing started to shrink.

She's a vegetarian -- it's rumored that they do better than the rest of us in terms of recovering from cancer; I don't know the numbers but she certainly is a shining example of recovery!

Good for you, Hiplew! Best wishes for continued health.

I've never been convinced that being a vegetarian is always better, but i think you may have swayed me in the other direction. That's amazing.
im trying to lose 10 lbs. im eating fruit and carrot sticks

fruit for the fruit.
Too much sugar! Your system is going to go acidic and purge every ounce of water to try to excrete it. You will lose a lot of water weight (temporarily), and develop a case of halitosis(sp) (i.e., bad breath).

A balanced diet and portion control (like the weight watcher's plan) are healthier.
Hey rob (whydon'ttheyletusdrinkanddriveorsmokeinthecarwiththekids), do you like this decision by this "classy" lady?
It was on MSNBC a few days ago, last Saturday maybe. I had already seen it on LINK TV.

I have seen some clips and believe me, it describes my life as soon as I started making enough money to eat out. Luckily I have changed my lifestyle and eating habits.........and lost 80 pounds since those days.
I liked the part where they called a lot of nutritionists at randon and asked them how often one should eat a mcburgerville. The shortest timeframe I heard was once a month :)
I eat at a burgerville maybe twice a month, I don't get off the farm very often :)
I liked the part where they called a lot of nutritionists at randon and asked them how often one should eat a mcburgerville. The shortest timeframe I heard was once a month :)
I eat at a burgerville maybe twice a month, I don't get off the farm very often :)
I am amazed and horrifed, simultaneously, in the part where his doctor (bearded, British accent) is going off about his liver enzymes. Also among favorites is Day Two - the McTummy, the McGurgles, the McBrick - <BARF!>