Yall know more about email than me...


Well-known member
Are emails ever truely erased by accident... Cant they almost always be found if an expert looks for them, unless someone who knew what they were doing intentionally erased every shread of them...
Email experts (who knew there was such a job?) have said that yes, they can almost always be found, unless they were overwritten, which it would take some time for that to happen.

I know that during the Monica "scandal", that girl said she thought she had deleted her emails, and it was a surprise to her when the FBI was able to retreive them.

But you know, that was about serious business; a sexual act. So I don't know if we can afford to expend the same resources to retrieve these emails.
They would have to have access to servers over which they have no power to truly "erase" them. That does not mean, however, that they have easy access to find them on those servers as well. If they are erased as a policy from a server, if you don't have access to corresponding servers which they pass through you will not be able to pull them up at whim, or say, if they are subpoenaed. It would take time to produce them were that to happen.
the RNC is fully aware of this they are buying time until it isw so close to the election that people will just want to forget this all and NOT prosicute them.

we need to go after their asses no matter how long it takes.
the RNC is fully aware of this they are buying time until it isw so close to the election that people will just want to forget this all and NOT prosicute them.

we need to go after their asses no matter how long it takes.

Agreed Desh. It is about running out the clock. In fact, within one of the Kyle Sampson emails that was released, he said exactly that.
the RNC is fully aware of this they are buying time until it isw so close to the election that people will just want to forget this all and NOT prosicute them.

we need to go after their asses no matter how long it takes.
Now that I read the story on it, yes, I think it is delay.