Yavilah McCoy: A Force For Inclusion

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
McCoy, who is 47 and lives in Boston, grew up in an Orthodox home in Brooklyn, steeped in Jewish tradition but also encountering racism and hostility: she and her sister integrated the local yeshiva. In 2000, she founded the non-profit Ayecha to provide resources and support for Jewish families of color, and now she directs Dimensions, a consulting firm that helps educational institutions foster diversity and inclusion. McCoy also wrote and directed the original drama “The Colors of Water,”

Earliest Jewish memory: Being 3, standing with my father under his tallit in shul during the recital of the priestly blessing. My father hugging his prayer shawl around both of us and telling me that at that very moment we were surrounded by the Shechinah/the feminine presence of God.

