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You Damned Yourself Every Day Ignoring Now Is Eternity. I stopped enabling it almost 18 years ago and people won't change their ancestral dedicated minds life isn't self evident evolving as reproductively here balancing as eternally separated daily.

Really, and people say I don't understand the nuances of people ignoring their natural time evolving in favor of being a character on the world stage acting like anything else is possible outside adapting in space evolving uniquely alive in equal time of series parallel evolving specifically as existing conceived to decomposed, now.

people own and won human rights by creating reasonable doubt governing every generation gap lived last 400 generations ignoring life doesn't exceed adapting to the moment daily.

Little white lies sustaining deep state of mind secrets this species has its own ancestral lineages working against themselves every generation gap defining a day in the life as tomorrow begins after midnight and today ends after midday.

Every rotation human intellectual time measuring ancestral progression in plain sight gives each ancestor 3 minutes and 4 seconds more time than it takes for the planet to rotate once. Then one day every 4 years they take it back.

Question is, is it February 29 each 4th year or April first every year? Intellectual Timing Directing ancestral outcomes tomorrow or Instinctive Time Adapting to the moment while here conceived to decomposed as a unique ever changing form with a specific cycle occupying space each rotation this planet does balancing 3rd from the star in this unique solar system.

Means, methods, motives, specificity of how, why, what, where, when, which, place, event, person, mayhem, madness, misery inflicted because one species decides to ancestrally ignore the natural time each has adapting since displaced as an original fertilized cell changing form each heartbeat, each rotation lived since conceived by their prior 4 generation gaps relatively lived prior to one's conception recorded in chromosomes to the standard 23 DNA strands of this species regardless gender, race, creed, color, national origin, gender biases, social projection of anything else is factually possible since practiced from dawn of civilization.

Hind behind power of suggesting life isn't self evident, look what history recorded directing human nature limited to believing life only happens between womb to tomb.

My brain knows I cannot tell you to go fuck yourself anymore than you have since birth. My brain knows I cannot send you to eternal hell because your reality is already one.

I can explain how to escape and nobody listens. I enjoy the time I get understanding why people do what they have done every day, but the cost of ignoring life in real time is your own ancestry pretends their corrupted soul is greater than their sole time adapting here denying this rotation is just another day limited to eternally separated now.

I kept telling everyone else what the original sin is humanity defends until extinction by all 5 generation gaps here now.
Can you provide us the Cliff Notes of your Rant Please!

Thanks in Advance!
your well trained mind isn't very adapt to navigating space limited to only evolving here one of a kind since rotation of conception with a body that never duplicates total sum surviving the moment since conceived living uniquely you each rotation your body has never been same shape as your original fertilized cell.

but hey 8 billion ancestors won't accept now is eternity, so your ideas matter more than being honest within your own brain adapting uniquely here daily.
your well trained mind isn't very adapt to navigating space limited to only evolving here one of a kind since rotation of conception with a body that never duplicates total sum surviving the moment since conceived living uniquely you each rotation your body has never been same shape as your original fertilized cell.

but hey 8 billion ancestors won't accept now is eternity, so your ideas matter more than being honest within your own brain adapting uniquely here daily.
SIr, I don't want this to be an insult, but your writing examples indicates that you may have dysgraphia.

But, I am here to help. Try to focus on one thing at a time. Don't try to accomplish too many different thought processes in one sentence or paragraph. Shorter sentences and the use of commas would improve your message you are trying to communicate, and your composition.

You seem to be all over the place in every sentence, and Paragraph which makes it frustrating to read or understand.

Good Luck!
SIr, I don't want this to be an insult, but your writing examples indicates that you may have dysgraphia.

But, I am here to help. Try to focus on one thing at a time. Don't try to accomplish too many different thought processes in one sentence or paragraph. Shorter sentences and the use of commas would improve your message you are trying to communicate, and your composition.

You seem to be all over the place in every sentence, and Paragraph which makes it frustrating to read or understand.

Good Luck!
Your critiquing my writing style shows you won't discuss what I wrote about. With that said without malice, I will add life has great ironies in every reality present.

Great minds obey laws typecasting ancestries as race, creed, colors, national origins defined by longitude time zones and latitude temperate zones 24/7 when evolving has each brain navigating space uniquely here since specific rotation as conceived to replace the 30 chromosome donors of their previous 4 generation gaps that lived a series parallel existence from their own unique time evolving in plain sight daily eliminating alternate realities directing outcomes tomorrow today.

Now comes people defending their legal stereotype are bound to disrupt domestic tranquility in their own ancestral lineage.

I have this problem with legal definition of a day where factual tomorrows exist midnight to noon and today ends same rotation noon to midnight.
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I just tried to advise you, in a gentlemanly way, that I had no idea what you were talking about.
I civilly responded to your greater good intention of sustaining reasonable doubt in all 5 generation gaps evolving today as specifically alive in their geographical location including all 8 billion human ancestors occupying space now.
I civilly responded to your greater good intention of sustaining reasonable doubt in all 5 generation gaps evolving today as specifically alive in their geographical location including all 8 billion human ancestors occupying space now.
Yes, Thanks for that!

But, let's cut to the chase. Are you concerned about the fact that Religion is losing it's popularity and importance in the world?
Yes, Thanks for that!

But, let's cut to the chase. Are you concerned about the fact that Religion is losing it's popularity and importance in the world?
I don't chase the future as it is only developing forward now with evolution completed so far and individual evolving taking place here as each ancestor represent the total sum ancestors that created each person's unique chromosomes share in DNA streaming of 23 DNA strands keeping each reproduction eternally separated when native to this atmosphere and its specific lineage present and accounted for in plain sight.

International dateline to international dateline each rotation tomorrow changes into second half of today 0 to 11:59:59 hundred hours After Midnight and 12:00 to 23:59:59 post midday.

check my actual understanding against factual relative time logistics that add 3 minutes and 4 seconds daily to the rotaiton f the planet actually rotationing once every 23:56:56