Yeah make lot's of money at the philosophy factory for globalist crime organization l

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Yeah make lot's of money at the philosophy factory for globalist crime organization low life scum bags

...and maybe, just maybe I'll run it all some day ...



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Global Capitalism is either the concept, or a division into 2 separate systems. Which do you prefer?
Global business is the reality of economics now. It will not go away because Spetch is able to demonize it. We need strong regulation of capitalism. It will destroy anything for profit. The founders chartered corporations. If you did acts that were harmful to the commons, you could lose the ability to stay in business. We should be more like that.
No. I mean a internationally accepted Capitalism regulated by the WTO, or some Mercantilism type Capitalism where every one protects their own countries industries with Subsidies and Tariffs.

You dream big Jack ... as if you are trying to help these globalists gather information Jack because no matter what label you use of government it's all sold out to lobbyist dictatorship of which again, lobbyists' are for the most part globalist crime organization lap dogs.