Yellowstone super volcano


Just finished watching a Discover Channel show on the Yellowstone Super volcano hosted by Craig Beals--High School Science teacher and Montana's 2015 Teacher of the Year.

He did a really cool simulation of an eruption, using explosives and a to scale map of the US; but it was only able to show low level wind distribution,

Here's a projected map of ash distribution in the US, from a different site.

What is the correct word for big bulge, as in the big bulge under the lake??? lol

Yellowstone National Park's supervolcano just took a deep "breath," causing miles of ground to rise dramatically, scientists report.

The simmering volcano has produced major eruptions—each a thousand times more powerful than Mount St. Helens's 1980 eruption—three times in the past 2.1 million years. Yellowstone's caldera, which covers a 25- by 37-mile (40- by 60-kilometer) swath of Wyoming, is an ancient crater formed after the last big blast, some 640,000 years ago.

(See "When Yellowstone Explodes" in National Geographic magazine.)

Since then, about 30 smaller eruptions—including one as recent as 70,000 years ago—have filled the caldera with lava and ash, producing the relatively flat landscape we see today.

But beginning in 2004, scientists saw the ground above the caldera rise upward at rates as high as 2.8 inches (7 centimeters) a year. (Related: "Yellowstone Is Rising on Swollen 'Supervolcano.'")

The rate slowed between 2007 and 2010 to a centimeter a year or less. Still, since the start of the swelling, ground levels over the volcano have been raised by as much as 10 inches (25 centimeters) in places.

"It's an extraordinary uplift, because it covers such a large area and the rates are so high," said the University of Utah's Bob Smith, a longtime expert in Yellowstone's volcanism.

Scientists think a swelling magma reservoir four to six miles (seven to ten kilometers) below the surface is driving the uplift. Fortunately, the surge doesn't seem to herald an imminent catastrophe, Smith said. (Related: "Under Yellowstone, Magma Pocket 20 Percent Larger Than Thought.")
What is the correct word for big bulge, as in the big bulge under the lake??? lol

Yellowstone National Park's supervolcano just took a deep "breath," causing miles of ground to rise dramatically, scientists report.

The simmering volcano has produced major eruptions—each a thousand times more powerful than Mount St. Helens's 1980 eruption—three times in the past 2.1 million years. Yellowstone's caldera, which covers a 25- by 37-mile (40- by 60-kilometer) swath of Wyoming, is an ancient crater formed after the last big blast, some 640,000 years ago.

(See "When Yellowstone Explodes" in National Geographic magazine.)

Since then, about 30 smaller eruptions—including one as recent as 70,000 years ago—have filled the caldera with lava and ash, producing the relatively flat landscape we see today.

But beginning in 2004, scientists saw the ground above the caldera rise upward at rates as high as 2.8 inches (7 centimeters) a year. (Related: "Yellowstone Is Rising on Swollen 'Supervolcano.'")

The rate slowed between 2007 and 2010 to a centimeter a year or less. Still, since the start of the swelling, ground levels over the volcano have been raised by as much as 10 inches (25 centimeters) in places.

"It's an extraordinary uplift, because it covers such a large area and the rates are so high," said the University of Utah's Bob Smith, a longtime expert in Yellowstone's volcanism.

Scientists think a swelling magma reservoir four to six miles (seven to ten kilometers) below the surface is driving the uplift. Fortunately, the surge doesn't seem to herald an imminent catastrophe, Smith said. (Related: "Under Yellowstone, Magma Pocket 20 Percent Larger Than Thought.")

Why "worry" about things no one has any control over? The "sun" COULD go super nova you goin'a act? Truth: No one is guaranteed each day as if it is your last day. All of us live by the grace of a far superior it what you will, but no label precludes that reality from existing. One things for one is going to get out of this reality "alive". Accept that truth, death is as natural as life.
Why "worry" about things no one has any control over? The "sun" COULD go super nova you goin'a act? Truth: No one is guaranteed each day as if it is your last day. All of us live by the grace of a far superior it what you will, but no label precludes that reality from existing. One things for one is going to get out of this reality "alive". Accept that truth, death is as natural as life.

" control over..."

Then people should cancel their accident insurance; because they have no control over someone else hitting them?
Then people should cancel their homeowners insurance; because they have no control over what could happen?
Then people should stop paying for life insurance; because they have no control over when they'll die?
Then people should stop their health insurance; because they have no control over when they might get sick?

Thinking ahead does not mean that someone has to spend all their time "worrying". :palm:
" control over..."

Then people should cancel their accident insurance; because they have no control over someone else hitting them?
Then people should cancel their homeowners insurance; because they have no control over what could happen?
Then people should stop paying for life insurance; because they have no control over when they'll die?
Then people should stop their health insurance; because they have no control over when they might get sick?

Thinking ahead does not mean that someone has to spend all their time "worrying". :palm:

???Insurance is to mitigate loss, not prevent it...
Why "worry" about things no one has any control over? The "sun" COULD go super nova you goin'a act? Truth: No one is guaranteed each day as if it is your last day. All of us live by the grace of a far superior it what you will, but no label precludes that reality from existing. One things for one is going to get out of this reality "alive". Accept that truth, death is as natural as life.

actually the sun definitely could not go supernova tomorrow. In fact it wont go supernova at all. It'll be a red giant.
" control over..."

Then people should cancel their accident insurance; because they have no control over someone else hitting them?
Then people should cancel their homeowners insurance; because they have no control over what could happen?
Then people should stop paying for life insurance; because they have no control over when they'll die?
Then people should stop their health insurance; because they have no control over when they might get sick?

Thinking ahead does not mean that someone has to spend all their time "worrying". :palm:

So your point is purchasing "Volcano Insurance" will stop a super eruption? I have some real nice property I would enjoy selling you, its a steal for ocean front property....its located in Ohio. LMAO.

A straw argument based upon a false premise...typical for someone that thinks and reasons as a child. Control is an illusion perpetrated by confidence men who take advantage of people's fear. There is no control in point is why borrow fear when control does not exist in the first place? Life is it, enjoy it and live by one rule and you will likely live a long and healthy life. Simply treat others as you would want to be treated. The Christ put it more succinctly, "Love your neighbor as you would yourself."

There is only one suggestion or command greater, "Love your God and put no other Gods before Him...." One can make a god from anything. Take for instance the phrase spoken by an Apostle of the Christ, Paul, "For the love of money is root to all sorts of evil....." -- 1 Tim. 6:10

Is the Christ who inspired these words through the Holy Spirit suggesting that MONEY IS EVIL? Of course not....He is making a statement, when someone LOVES something (money for instance, which is nothing but a tool) more than even their God....that false Love generates evil deeds because a person would do anything to have access to what he/she imagines brings, power and happiness.

That's why the Christ said, when asked by a certain man what he needed to do to find salvation, "Sell what you have and GIVE to the poor...." Did the Christ say, GIVE EVERYTHING to the, of course not, He suggested that first you must love yourself enough to share the blessings bestowed upon you due to the grace of God...then you have taken the first step to finding eternal peace. Sadly, the man loved the FALSE or wealth more than the Creator and walked away with a heavy heart.

The ultimate point? Place God first...and everything else is like eating cake.

Or to put it in terms even a child can understand/comprehend.
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So your point is purchasing "Volcano Insurance" will stop a super eruption? I have some real nice property I would enjoy selling you, its a steal for ocean front property....its located in Ohio. LMAO.

A straw argument based upon a false premise...typical for someone that thinks and reasons as a child. Control is an illusion perpetrated by confidence men who take advantage of people's fear. There is no control in point is why borrow fear when control does not exist in the first place? Life is it, enjoy it and live by one rule and you will likely live a long and healthy life. Simply treat others as you would want to be treated. The Christ put it more succinctly, "Love your neighbor as you would yourself."

There is only one suggestion or command greater, "Love your God and put no other Gods before Him...." One can make a god from anything. Take for instance the phrase spoken by an Apostle of the Christ, Paul, "For the love of money is root to all sorts of evil....." -- 1 Tim. 6:10

Is the Christ who inspired these words through the Holy Spirit suggesting that MONEY IS EVIL? Of course not....He is making a statement, when someone LOVES something (money for instance, which is nothing but a tool) more than even their God....that false Love generates evil deeds because a person would do anything to have access to what he/she imagines brings, power and happiness.

That's why the Christ said, when asked by a certain man what he needed to do to find salvation, "Sell what you have and GIVE to the poor...." Did the Christ say, GIVE EVERYTHING to the, of course not, He suggested that first you must love yourself enough to share the blessings bestowed upon you due to the grace of God...then you have taken the first step to finding eternal peace. Sadly, the man loved the FALSE or wealth more than the Creator and walked away with a heavy heart.

The ultimate point? Place God first...and everything else is like eating cake.

Or to put it in terms even a child can understand/comprehend.

Before I can continue responding to this, could you tell me what Insurance company is selling "Volcano Insurance as a hedge against Yellowstone erupting; because otherwise this is beginning to look like you just like seeing your words in print!!
actually the sun definitely could not go supernova tomorrow. In fact it wont go supernova at all. It'll be a red giant.

It will go nova. It will just go red giant first. This won't happen for another 5 billion years, and then there will be a phase of time before it explodes...