Yellowstone volcano: Earthquake swarm blasts National Park - fears supervolcano may e


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Yellowstone volcano: Earthquake swarm blasts National Park - fears supervolcano may erupt

I wasn't aware it was acting up, if erupts this is bad news, will make Mount Saint Helen's look like a firecracker?!!

Yellowstone is a large caldera and there will be devastation over a wide area too?!!

And some social media users said they were fearful the increased activity around Yellowstone could be a sign the supervolcano is set to blow.

One person wrote on Twitter: "Multiple earthquakes within 24 hours at Yellowstone... this is for real our last year on Earth so make it count."

Another person added: "Yellow stone have [SIC] had multiple earthquakes in the last 24 hours too. Which is overdue an eruption. That will be bad."

A third posted: "Yellowstone Supervolcano looking at 2020 ready to go off for 60 points in game 5 to close out the series."

Another tweeted: "Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the Yellowstone supervolcano, which is already 40,000 years overdue for an explosion, erupts this year and we all die.


The Russians are considering targeting Yellowstone too, in case of a nuclear attack on the US?!!


Yellowstone volcano: Earthquake swarm blasts National Park - fears supervolcano may erupt

I wasn't aware it was acting up, if erupts this is bad news, will make Mount Saint Helen's look like a firecracker?!!

Yellowstone is a large caldera and there will be devastation over a wide area too?!!

And some social media users said they were fearful the increased activity around Yellowstone could be a sign the supervolcano is set to blow.

One person wrote on Twitter: "Multiple earthquakes within 24 hours at Yellowstone... this is for real our last year on Earth so make it count."

Another person added: "Yellow stone have [SIC] had multiple earthquakes in the last 24 hours too. Which is overdue an eruption. That will be bad."

A third posted: "Yellowstone Supervolcano looking at 2020 ready to go off for 60 points in game 5 to close out the series."

Another tweeted: "Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the Yellowstone supervolcano, which is already 40,000 years overdue for an explosion, erupts this year and we all die.


The Russians are considering targeting Yellowstone too, in case of a nuclear attack on the US?!!


Well, it's something always worrying some. I wouldn't jump to fear because of that sensationalist tabloid story though. It's going both ways.
Visiting Yellowstone was on my 'Things to Do List' before I checked out. :(

Hardly worth it, all things considering. It was the least enjoyable part of or vacation and was quite taxing. It kind of gives places like Disney World a run for the money in the overpacked spectacle department. Waiting to park was a usual occurrence even trying for when they open. Luckily Mom had her handicap sticker. Basically shuffling along boardwalks to see this and that. I was happy to see a lot of the more petite Asian tourists because the number of people on these bridges and boardwalks brought to mind weight limits. Best part was the wildlife.
Hardly worth it, all things considering. It was the least enjoyable part of or vacation and was quite taxing. It kind of gives places like Disney World a run for the money in the overpacked spectacle department. Waiting to park was a usual occurrence even trying for when they open. Luckily Mom had her handicap sticker. Basically shuffling along boardwalks to see this and that. I was happy to see a lot of the more petite Asian tourists because the number of people on these bridges and boardwalks brought to mind weight limits. Best part was the wildlife.

Thanks, CrocMan.
I've heard about the overcrowding.
Maybe the time to go is during the coronavirus pandemic?
If it does erupt, at least it will shut the Gorebal Warming (aka Climate Change) crowd up about anthropogenic CO2 being a problem...