Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
And his white trash, uneducated, dead end, loser base thinks he is great
The most recent example? His completely made-up claim that the nearly 3,000 deaths in Puerto Rico caused by Hurricane Maria were, in essence, "fake news." First, President Trump tweeted on Thursday that, "3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico."
Trump then added moments later, in part two of this tweet, "This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible.
Well, as fact checkers swiftly noted, Trump was lying. Democrats didn't come up with the death toll. The estimate that 2,975 died as a result of Hurricane Maria was based on a study commissioned by the government of Puerto Rico and conducted by researchers at The George Washington University.
But the fact that this study was methodically conducted by a neutral party didn't stop Trump from again taking to Twitter on Friday night to declare the death toll wrong, without presenting even one shred of evidence to support his contention. Perhaps Trump believes that if the death toll is that high it will hurt him politically, so he will lie, deflect and do anything else he needs to do to undermine the findings of the nonpartisan study.
The most recent example? His completely made-up claim that the nearly 3,000 deaths in Puerto Rico caused by Hurricane Maria were, in essence, "fake news." First, President Trump tweeted on Thursday that, "3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico."
Trump then added moments later, in part two of this tweet, "This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible.
Well, as fact checkers swiftly noted, Trump was lying. Democrats didn't come up with the death toll. The estimate that 2,975 died as a result of Hurricane Maria was based on a study commissioned by the government of Puerto Rico and conducted by researchers at The George Washington University.
But the fact that this study was methodically conducted by a neutral party didn't stop Trump from again taking to Twitter on Friday night to declare the death toll wrong, without presenting even one shred of evidence to support his contention. Perhaps Trump believes that if the death toll is that high it will hurt him politically, so he will lie, deflect and do anything else he needs to do to undermine the findings of the nonpartisan study.