Yesterday was packed...


Staff member
Chock full of stuff to do...

First we went out and split a hive into the top bar hive that I just built. In about three weeks I should have a working hive that we will deliver onto my property.

Then I found out that my friend has six working hives abandoned by the beekeeper that put them up on his property that he wants me to take over. I'm reading up on Langstroth hives now... I have to go out soon and check in on those hives and I need to know how to work them.

I'm just waiting for my own equipment before I go out and check on those. The guy who is working with me on Top Bar hives has loaned me his equipment while we work his hives, but I don't have my own at this time yet....

I then went and taught a knife seminar at the Dojo... And learned some new techniques for two-handed knife fighting from a South American art that are amazingly effective.

Today we are off to the Farmer's Market.
"Damo was fed up with cheap, fast burning smokes. Instead of just getting mad, he did something about it. He read some books, cleared twenty acres and got to work. He put a down payment on a tractor and traded his lawn mower for a weather radio. And then it was just a matter of waiting for the final frost of the season and a new moon. In early April, Damo sowed his first seeds. A few sunny days later, Damo's Tobacco Company was born. Word spread about Damo's "different smokes." His tobacco leaves were hand picked, then barn cured and barrel aged for rich taste. And to make sure they burned perfectly, each smoke was packed tight. People started buying these new smokes that didn't burn fast and tasted great. They told their friends..who told their friends. Now Damo works for nobody but himself. And it all started with a few tobacco seeds..and a dream."
There's a hive forming outside my house. One of those fuckers stung me today! I was just coming off possibly one of the best weekends ever which was going to end with a perfect bbq meal with my boyfriend and then wham! I got stung. I'm calling our local bee collector tomorrow to take the hive away before it gets any bigger. They are buildign the hive right outside my backdoor!

This officially marks the onset to "The War on Bees"

Damo, since you're a bee sympathizer, we can no longer be friends.
There's a hive forming outside my house. One of those fuckers stung me today! I was just coming off possibly one of the best weekends ever which was going to end with a perfect bbq meal with my boyfriend and then wham! I got stung. I'm calling our local bee collector tomorrow to take the hive away before it gets any bigger. They are buildign the hive right outside my backdoor!

This officially marks the onset to "The War on Bees"

Damo, since you're a bee sympathizer, we can no longer be friends.
As if...
There's a hive forming outside my house. One of those fuckers stung me today! I was just coming off possibly one of the best weekends ever which was going to end with a perfect bbq meal with my boyfriend and then wham! I got stung. I'm calling our local bee collector tomorrow to take the hive away before it gets any bigger. They are buildign the hive right outside my backdoor!

This officially marks the onset to "The War on Bees"

Damo, since you're a bee sympathizer, we can no longer be friends.

Hi Tiana! I had a great weekend too, I'm glad to hear yours was so good. But I didn't get stung by a bee afterwards. About two years ago I got stung for the first time since I was a child, while trying to keep my nephew from getting stung. It actually made me a little high, and I didn't find it that horrible of an experience.
Hi Tiana! I had a great weekend too, I'm glad to hear yours was so good. But I didn't get stung by a bee afterwards. About two years ago I got stung for the first time since I was a child, while trying to keep my nephew from getting stung. It actually made me a little high, and I didn't find it that horrible of an experience.

You got high from getting stung?

Man, I really did get screwed today. There definitely was no high. Just pain, dropped barbeque sauce and burnt chicken.

Oh well the other parts of weekend was fabulous. We had a team building excercise at work on friday and we went to this restaurant/class and my department made the best meal ever! Salad wtih a yogurt/vinagrette dressing, crab cakes, black bean salsa, stuffed filet mignon, bananas flambe (sp?) and something else I'm forgetting....then on Saturday I went to my friends place in DC to celebrate her and my other friends birthday, in between I went to my extended family's cookout, back to my friends house, saw my mom this afternoon, did some gardening and broke in my grill and now I'm trying to ease into the work week. Hmmmm, I should get a buzz going too.

I got hosed on not feeling high by the bee sting. :(
You got high from getting stung?

Man, I really did get screwed today. There definitely was no high. Just pain, dropped barbeque sauce and burnt chicken.

Oh well the other parts of weekend was fabulous. We had a team building excercise at work on friday and we went to this restaurant/class and my department made the best meal ever! Salad wtih a yogurt/vinagrette dressing, crab cakes, black bean salsa, stuffed filet mignon, bananas flambe (sp?) and something else I'm forgetting....then on Saturday I went to my friends place in DC to celebrate her and my other friends birthday, in between I went to my extended family's cookout, back to my friends house, saw my mom this afternoon, did some gardening and broke in my grill and now I'm trying to ease into the work week. Hmmmm, I should get a buzz going too.

I got hosed on not feeling high by the bee sting. :(

Wow, that's a great weekend Tiana. I love DC.

Yeah, I really did.
Wow, that's a great weekend Tiana. I love DC.

Yeah, I really did.

Its a good town. My friend has done EXCEPTIONALLY well for herself. She's on the Hill and every time I talk to her she's meeting some head of state or off to some interesting country. Her and her husband were just in tanzania and both of them have pictures with Obama. Its funny because they were both at different times.
Chock full of stuff to do...
First we went out and split a hive into the top bar hive that I just built. In about three weeks I should have a working hive that we will deliver onto my property.

Then I found out that my friend has six working hives abandoned by the beekeeper that put them up on his property that he wants me to take over. I'm reading up on Langstroth hives now... I have to go out soon and check in on those hives and I need to know how to work them.

I'm just waiting for my own equipment before I go out and check on those. The guy who is working with me on Top Bar hives has loaned me his equipment while we work his hives, but I don't have my own at this time yet....

I then went and taught a knife seminar at the Dojo... And learned some new techniques for two-handed knife fighting from a South American art that are amazingly effective.

Today we are off to the Farmer's Market.

I'm still psyched for you to get some africanized bees. Screw having handguns for home self defense, you NRA yahoo!

This weekend, I saw a movie.

I washed my car.

I went body boarding.

Ate some Filipino food.

Tried to fix my jacuzzi.

Finished moving my sh*t into my new house.

Drank an Italian soda at the coffee house.
Well, we had to skip the farmer's market, the kids just didn't get together, that's okay though. I went and built a second hive. I haven't painted it yet...

This one is longer and uglier, I think I'll keep it where people don't get to see it.
I'm still psyched for you to get some africanized bees. Screw having handguns for home self defense, you NRA yahoo!

This weekend, I saw a movie.

I washed my car.

I went body boarding.

Ate some Filipino food.

Tried to fix my jacuzzi.

Finished moving my sh*t into my new house.

Drank an Italian soda at the coffee house.

Jacuzzi is a brand name. Do you have a Jacuzzi Brand tub?
Hey, Jacuzzi is the Kleenex of hot tubs. Personally, I had thought it was a specific style of tub rather than brand. Now I know better. :cool: