Yet another reason I hate Mississippi


In the governer's race I have a choice between this guy:

And this guy:

Can anyone tell the difference?

They're both pig-like obese men who think that a succesful speech is one that uses "Christian" and "family" more than any other speech in existence. For instance - "The family Christian association of Christian families for the pomotion of Christian values in Christian families" would be a terrific organization for them.

Haley Barbour actually tends to spout less religious rhetoric than John Eaves, but he's a dogmatic who refuses to raise taxes even to fund healthcare and education. And there's this annoying part of his page: "the budget for drug enforcement was cut 40% before I came into office, which is dangerous considering 80% of all crime is drug related." Yeah, thanks. This was probably because Marijuania was made into a misdemeanor (which is, in fact, the only thing I like about Mississippi). And there probably wouldn't be any drug related crime if you wouldn't promote a black market in it.

But GOD - can anyone read Eaves page without ROLLING THEIR EYES? "I am a Christian... blah blah blah... I am a Christian... blah blah blah... I support prayer in schol... blah blah blah... I am pro-life, pro-gun... blah blah blah... marriage is between a man and a women... blah blah blah... I'm a Christian who believe in Christian families... Christian... Christian... Christian"

Could it be that HALEY BARBOUR is actually more liberal than this idiot? Still, his wife looks about half-black in the photo. Which kills him politically.

I hope the Mississippi Green party still exists. Looks like I'll be wasting my vote in that direction this time around.
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What is wrong, Christian, with using, Christian, a certain word, Christian, "too often" in a, Christian, sentence? I mean, Christian, it is important, Christian, to know how much Christians, Christian, are persecuted, and that you, Christian, won't help that persecution, Christian...

Saying you're a Christian is fine. But these guys are just using it in a bland, platitudous way, in order to get votes. And they act like it's some sort of race to see who can use it the most.
It's just annoying, although seeing as I'm an atheist, that annoyance would obviously be amplified. But even whenever I was a Christian I considered blanketing your sentences with the term every five seconds in order to win approval bad form.
It's just annoying, although seeing as I'm an atheist, that annoyance would obviously be amplified. But even whenever I was a Christian I considered blanketing your sentences with the term every five seconds in order to win approval bad form.

And it is bad form, IMO. If one is a Christian they shouldn't have to say it.
Watermark voting green and railing on a guy for not raising taxes to fund social welfare health programs and education (rather than push vouchers).

Your transition back to being the socialist you were gets more recognizable everyday.
Watermark voting green and railing on a guy for not raising taxes to fund social welfare health programs and education (rather than push vouchers).

Your transition back to being the socialist you were gets more recognizable everyday.

I say it should be a requirment to not only state your religious affiliation upon meeting someone but also whether or not your are an extreme fundamentalist that thinks all other religions are wrong.

This way the rest of us know who to kick in the nuts.
I say it should be a requirment to not only state your religious affiliation upon meeting someone but also whether or not your are an extreme fundamentalist that thinks all other religions are wrong.

This way the rest of us know who to kick in the nuts.

"Hi there! I'm a Christi . . . YEEOOOOW! Oh my nucking futs!"
In the governer's race I have a choice between this guy:

And this guy:

Can anyone tell the difference?

They're both pig-like obese men who think that a succesful speech is one that uses "Christian" and "family" more than any other speech in existence. For instance - "The family Christian association of Christian families for the pomotion of Christian values in Christian families" would be a terrific organization for them.

Haley Barbour actually tends to spout less religious rhetoric than John Eaves, but he's a dogmatic who refuses to raise taxes even to fund healthcare and education. And there's this annoying part of his page: "the budget for drug enforcement was cut 40% before I came into office, which is dangerous considering 80% of all crime is drug related." Yeah, thanks. This was probably because Marijuania was made into a misdemeanor (which is, in fact, the only thing I like about Mississippi). And there probably wouldn't be any drug related crime if you wouldn't promote a black market in it.

But GOD - can anyone read Eaves page without ROLLING THEIR EYES? "I am a Christian... blah blah blah... I am a Christian... blah blah blah... I support prayer in schol... blah blah blah... I am pro-life, pro-gun... blah blah blah... marriage is between a man and a women... blah blah blah... I'm a Christian who believe in Christian families... Christian... Christian... Christian"


Why do governors of Mississipi always look like Boss Hogg, from Dukes of Hazard?

Can't you at least for once get an elegant looking Governor and First Lady? Check our Arnold, and our first lady Maria Shriver-Kenney ;)
If you were not so fat and lazy, you could get up and move to another state.

At least they are not saying, "Like, health care coST, are, like, hellabad. If I were like, GovernOR, I would work, like, a hellalate houRS until I came up with, like, a soluTION."