Yet More Types of Global Warming BS Taxes


They are now talking about taxing holidays and increasing cost of everything from grocery store food to hotels:
"CONSUMERS could be hit by steep price rises for a range of goods from food to hotel breaks under plans to tackle climate change being considered by David Miliband.

The Environment Secretary is consulting taking sweeping powers to extend curbs on greenhouse gas emissions so that they cover many more businesses, including supermarkets and hotel chains — curbs that at present apply only to the big industrial users. The costs incurred are potentially huge and are likely to be passed on to the consumer.

Liberals are in power in England under Tony Blair's leftish Labor government and Democrats here want to do the same thing if they get elected. They will never stop, they can only be stopped in the voting booth.
Liberals are in power in England under Tony Blair's leftish Labor government

You are such a fuckwit.

Blair's new labour government is authoritarian, not liberal; and the Conservative party is to the left of New Labour.

Liberals are in power in England under Tony Blair's leftish Labor government

You are such a fuckwit.

Blair's new labour government is authoritarian, not liberal; and the Conservative party is to the left of New Labour.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh man, this is the funniest thing I ever heard. Right, that would be why Conservatives are complaining over growth in government under Labour and chastising them about taxes. You are just unfuckingreachable with your stupidity.

I do think that nationally the Lib-Dem party of Britain is running to the left of Labour, but you are nuts if you think the Conservative Party is.
Hmmmm, ok wait Any, tell you what, yeah I believe the Conservative Party is to the left of Labour. So being a leftist, will you please vote for the Conservative Party instead of Labour next election?

Thanks kindly,
Right, that would be why Conservatives are complaining over growth in government under Labour and chastising them about taxes.

Hey moron. It is the Conservatives who introduced the idea of adjusting the tax system to put more of the burden on 'green offenders'.

It is the Tory leadership who are resisting calls for tax cuts from the RWers in the party.

More money would be raised from "green" taxes under a Tory government, shadow chancellor George Osborne has said. He told the Financial Times he was "completely open-minded" about the measures he would bring in, but it was clear more revenue should be generated.

You are seriously out of your depth pea-brain....
Right, that would be why Conservatives are complaining over growth in government under Labour and chastising them about taxes.

Hey moron. It is the Conservatives who introduced the idea of adjusting the tax system to put more of the burden on 'green offenders'.

It is the Tory leadership who are resisting calls for tax cuts from the RWers in the party.

More money would be raised from "green" taxes under a Tory government, shadow chancellor George Osborne has said. He told the Financial Times he was "completely open-minded" about the measures he would bring in, but it was clear more revenue should be generated.

You are seriously out of your depth pea-brain....
Are you saying that usage taxes are not a conservative tax system?
Vote for the Liberal Democrats... They are quite a bit libertarian... I was surprised.

They are the most libertarian leaning party in the UK.

Dano hasn't got a clue...
Are you saying that usage taxes are not a conservative tax system?

Pre-Cameron Tories were always adamant about reducing VAT etc...
Using taxation to 'persuade' is certainly not a usual Tory policy, who normally prefer to let the markets decide....
I can see that. However usage taxes like the green taxes are usually promoted by a more conservative side. They aren't quite progressive enough to keep the lefties happy.