You can read the white rage in their MAGA hats

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Since Trump's 2016 election, his name has been used to threaten Jews and people of color. According to a hate crime database compiled by ProPublica, more than 150 school bullying incidents through May 2017 included evocations of Trump's name or his divisive comments. This included white students, after a Florida high school football game, chanting "Donald Trump!" at black students from an opposing school.

In her award-winning book, "White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide," Carol Anderson writes, "White rage doesn't have to wear sheets or burn crosses, or take to the streets."

These days, all it has to do is scream the current president's name.
These days, all it has to do is scream the current president's name.

white rage screaming for sure.....

Since Trump's 2016 election, his name has been used to threaten Jews and people of color.

Those accusations just don't fit the reality and the evidence. Trump's son-in-law is a practicing Jew. His daughter is a convert to Judaism. Trump's alliance with Israel is stronger than any past President since Israel was reestablished in the ME. Under trump's economy, black, Hispanic and women's unemployment rates are the lowest in history. If Trump is the racist & anti-woman President y'all lefties sooooo strongly wish him to be, he's doing one crummy job of proving your case for you!