You don't really think that your president gives a dam about Andrew Craig Brunson.


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He is just trying to get the blind evangelical fake Christians that elected him all fired up to change the talk about him being a criminal to worrying about this guy. Who is this guy, well he worked hard for two decade to build his church and in twenty years he has 2 dozen followers. So maybe to people at a time come to his services. He's no preacher , I could get more people following me by just being against your president scum bag. but the real laugh is he is going to make these brain dead believe he gives a shit about this character. By the way a character that probably was part of the coup that got him thrown into jail.
He is just trying to get the blind evangelical fake Christians that elected him all fired up to change the talk about him being a criminal to worrying about this guy. Who is this guy, well he worked hard for two decade to build his church and in twenty years he has 2 dozen followers. So maybe to people at a time come to his services. He's no preacher , I could get more people following me by just being against your president scum bag. but the real laugh is he is going to make these brain dead believe he gives a shit about this character. By the way a character that probably was part of the coup that got him thrown into jail.

He is more likely a CIA agent who was involved in the coup activities, follow the money, how did he and his wife survive for two decades with 24 bible trumpeters followers
Trump is not a Christian. He claimed to be a member of a church, but nobody who did attends it ever saw him. At Liberty school, he blew a bible reading showing he knew nothing about the bible. Then found a passage that had the word Liberty in it and presumed it was their favorite passage because of that. What an idiot he is. But how stupid are his followers, especially the Christians ? Now sometimes, he plays a Christian on TV. Trump does what the Christaians tell him to do.
Trump is not a Christian. He claimed to be a member of a church, but nobody who did attends it ever saw him. At Liberty school, he blew a bible reading showing he knew nothing about the bible. Then found a passage that had the word Liberty in it and presumed it was their favorite passage because of that. What an idiot he is. But how stupid are his followers, especially the Christians ? Now sometimes, he plays a Christian on TV. Trump does what the Christaians tell him to do.
He isn't a Christian and no one that voted for him is either. Just stupid , him and his boot lickers.